One Lie One Truth

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Warning this chapter sucks
And ran out of ideas for titles
Chara's P.O.V
I was giggling quietly to Life's idea of Death having a "happy ending." How foolish. "Howdy, Chara." I heard someone whisper. I already knew who it was. "Hello Flowey. Where have you been?" I asked. "I've been trying to get the 6 human souls from Asgore but he has hidden them very well." (You heard me) "Maybe we should change the plan. I have have all my facts correct then Geno will be found, Death will go insane, and maybe we can get you the souls." I said. "So you planned this ahead of time?" He asked shocked. "Yeah, that's why I haven't been around for a while. I've been trying to find Death's weak spot and I found it." I said with a grin. "All we have to do is wait and see this unfold." I continued. "So what now?" He asked. "Patience my friend. We can see all this play out if you'd like." I said. Flowey only nodded. I made Flowey wrap around my arm(?) and we teleported to the outskirts of the kingdom near a window where the throne is at. Hopefully this will happen soon.

Death's P.O.V
I was back at my house. Luckily Gaster wasn't there. I flopped on the bed to sleep but just couldn't. "What time is it?" I asked myself. I checked my phone and it was 8. 'Welp, I'll just check up on my bro' I thought. (Pap doesn't live with Death) I teleported to the castle and saw Eterna. "Hey Eterna, have you seen my bro?" I asked. She looked at me and 3 seconds later she burst out laughing. 'What's her problem?' I thought. "Something wrong?" I asked. "N-no just fu-funny." She said between laughs. "Okay...." I said and left to find Paps. While searching around the kingdom I passed by the throne room and saw Asgore. "Hey Asgore have you seen Paps?" I asked. "Death, glad you came. I need to discuss something of importance." He said.

Asgore's P.O.V
I've been parinod at what Chara had said. A human and a god in love? Surely that isn't true. Death would never fall in love with a mortal. He knows the rules and he wouldn't break them. "Death there was an anonymous claim that you fell in love with a mortal. A mortal that you had to reap. Is that true?" I asked.

Third Person
At Asgore's sudden words Death began to panic. He didn't show it of course and kept a straight face when inside he was worried about Geno. Outside Chara and Flowey were listening. Chara was happy while Flowey was waiting for Death to respond. "So, is this true?" Asgore asked both worried and impatient. "Who made the claim?" Death asked. "That I can't tell. Is their claim true?" Asgore asked again. Death was angry. Only 2 people knew about this. Gaster and Toriel. Toriel and Gaster have no reason to go against him. "No. I'm not in love with a mortal." He claimed. Chara was laughing at this. Not loud enough for them to hear though. Asgore let out a sigh of relief. "I'm sorry for assuming that Death, it's just that after what had happened with Cha-" Asgore said before being cut off by Death. "Its okay I know." Death said plainly and left. After what Asgore had said Death left the castle and when he was out of sight he ran home and made a portal to visit Geno. Chara went inside the castle and said, "Asgore don't believe him. He lied because he cares about this "Geno" person. Let's follow him. If he has nothing to hide he wouldn't mind us following." Chara said. "Are you sure?" He questioned. "Yes." Chara answered. "You do have a point. If he has nothing to hide then it'll be alright." Asgore said. Chara giggled before grabbing Asgore's hand and teleported to a window by Death's house. There they saw Death open a portal and jump in. Asgore and Chara jumped in the portal before it closed and they found themselves in a dark void. Both of them saw a house and Death heading there.

Death's P.O.V
I ran inside Geno's house and went to his room. He was sleeping peacefully. I didn't want to wake him up but I had to tell him about what might happen. I shook him a bit while whispering Geno's name. "Hey Geno wake up. Please I need to tell you something urgent." I said. Geno started to wake up slowly. "Oh, hello Death." He said sleepily. "What happened?" He asked with a yawn. "I'm sorry I had to wake you up but I don't think it's safe here in the void." I said with worry. "Why?" He questioned. "Someone told Asgore that they saw me with you. It's forbidden to keep a soul alive after Death because of what happened before. If they find you here they might send other reapers after you. I can't lose you." I said with tears threatening to fall.

Geno's P.O.V
I noticed that Death was about to cry and that made me feel sad. I hugged him. "Don't worry. I'm sure no one will find me here. I mean, who would search an entire dark void for one person?" I said trying to calm Death. "But what if they do find you somehow? What will you do then?" He asked. "Well I'll try not to die." I said with a smile. "Okay but don't die." He said. " No promises." I said.

Asgore's P.O.V
He lied. I'm seeing him with a mortal with my own 2 eyes. I trusted him. I was enraged. "See? I told you. Death has fallen for a mortal." She said with a grin. "Let's go back Chara. Tomorrow I need you to find a way to make a portal to this place if possible. I'll talk with Death later. We'll go after this "Geno" when Death least expects it. This time, I won't make the same mistake and let others be harmed." I said. "Of course." Was all that Chara said. She teleported us back to the castle and started working on a way to open a portal to that void. It was at that moment that I noticed a flower. He looked at me and said, "Howdy, I'm Flowey. Flowey the flower." "Hello Flowey." I said. "Asgore, you know that a battle against Death isn't going to be easy to win. If anything, we need more powerful warriors. If possible maybe even more powerful then Undyne. Papyrus will be one of those warriors. He is Death's brother which will make Death weak." She said. "I want to help too." Said Flowey. "Flowey, if you want to attack then you'll need to be stronger. I want you to-

Death's P.O.V
After Geno and I talked about what might happen I heard cute little snores. I looked at Geno and he was asleep. "Cute." I said. I placed Geno on the bed and put the blanket over him. 'I think I'll stay over just in case. I don't want him getting hurt.' I thought I was started walking towards the door. I felt something tug on the sleeve(?) of my clock. I turned around and it was Geno. He was still asleep which made me smile. "D...on't go....." Was all he said. He was sleep talking which made it more cute. I sighed at went back to Geno's bed. I laid down beside him. He instantly snuggled to my chest. I just chuckled quietly and put my arm around him in a protective manner. "Goodnight Geno." I said as I kissed his forehead.
There will be lemons.....probably

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