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I know it's late and I'm sorry, I had some internet problems and just got back online so here's the story, I'm also watching voltron while watching this and it's killing me

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I know it's late and I'm sorry, I had some internet problems and just got back online so here's the story, I'm also watching voltron while watching this and it's killing me.

(The red is my friends and the black is me,.don't share files kids)


Michael and jeremy hanged out a lot and if your those two, you do some dumb shit, aka chillin in a thunder storm or getting drenched in alcohol, so you share cloths alot and sometimes they go missing...

Michael and jeremy where eating lunch in the cafeteria wen the subject of a sleep over was brought up by Michael

"Hey we should have a sleep over" "we have those like all the time" "ya but there usually in your basement " "so we would have it in your room?" "Y-yeah"

jeremy agreed to the idea (after some persuasion) and it was decided it would be tonight at Michael's house.

Now Michael did a lot of stupid shit and went to Jeremy's house for...assistance. and it usually ended in jeremy letting Michael 'borrow' his cloths...He never gets them back.

Jeremy gets to Michael's house at around 6 pm. They decide together that they'll just get a chess pizza and watch movies in Michael's room

"When's the pizza getting hear" "idk it said 20 minutes" "what should we do while we wait?" "We can go chill in my room till it gets here"  "ok then upstairs it is"

The two boys headed up stairs to the disaster called Michael's room. once they got upstairs and into the room jeremy looked around the place.

"Died your room is a mess,you you even know how to clean?" "Yes!, I just don't cus' I'm usually at your house escaping this help hole" "why would you say that?"

Jeremy said it as more of a statement then a question

"No reason, let's just tidy up a little (aka shove shot into the closet) "fine"

As the two boys were "cleaning up" jeremy came across a certain pile of cloths near Michael's bed, just a couple, he walked towards it and soon realized it was his cloths, he could tell because he remembered letting Michael borrow them.

"Hey you still have some of my shirts, AND one of my hoodies" "o-oh! I was um planning to return those" "ya right I let you borrow these like idk months ago" "I-I'm sorry  do yo want them back?"

Michael had a blush on his face and looked down at his floor, jeremy walked over to him

"Hey dude (ouch) it's fine I can get them back latter" 

Before Michael could respond the door bell rang (fucking pizza man, wait I'm writing this...)Michael looked up 

"Ill go get it" "o-ok"

Michael ran out of his room and down stairs to get the door 

Jeremy's P.O.V 

Michael ran down stairs to get the pizza. I just sat on his bed thinking about...stuff. one particular subject was Michael. I like him but I also like Christine,but me and Christine tried dating and it didn't really work out we just wanted to be friends.I told her how I like Michael and she said I should tell him but what if he doesn't like me back then I might have ruined are friendship. Gahhhh don't think like that jeremy.

No ones P.O.V

Michael came up stairs again with pizza this time, he had a distant look in his eyes, like he was thinking about something important to him... 

"I got the pizza, wanna watch a movie?" "S-sure what you wanna watch" "let's see what Netflix has to offer" "ok!"

Jeremy smiled and they got on the bed with their pizza and blankets and turned on Netflix to see what they could watch.

(Sólo besa, ya!)

Time skip brought to you by my tears....ಥ_ಥ

After watching the last back to the future movie and eating all the pizza they were close to falling asleep, Michael cuddling into Jeremy's chest Michael looked up at jeremy,clearly not thinking straight, and mumbled the words 

"I love you" 

With a big smile on his face. Jeremy looked shocked but was soon replaced by a soft smile in dim light coming from the tv he saw Michael's face 

"I love you to"

Without thinking he gave Michael a quick but not to quick kiss on the lips. They fell asleep cuddling each other.


Finalmente acabó

How was it guys I tried and I also would like to thank @Lizzy_Dane for the suggestion and others like wondernugget, maarble, YousayTron and others for the funny and awesome comments thank you

There will be more of course but thank you. I told my mom about my one shots and she was actually proud of me and said, "see honey you can do more with that free time of yours then just cry about Hamilton and who ever Keith and lance are..."

So thank you guys (I have said thank you ro many times)


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