It's fine, I'll be fine...

3.3K 59 70

*inhales sharply*


ok I know I'm over exaggerating but we just hit 10.k (+) reads like wtf and 400 VOTES LIKE WHAT!

Ahem, but this chapter is coming out be for the story chapter I have planned, I'm sorry their will not be a special this time T^T but I do have some questions I need answered and some opinions on things 

Please don't skip this chapter T^T

Ok if you did stay, that's you T3T

Questions.                                                                                                ----------------

·Should I do a question of the day?

· Should I do a featured comment of the week (a readers comment)

·If this book gets 666 votes what should I do? (Do nothing or a special story?)

Opinions.                                                                                                  --------------

·Do you guys like this book, should I continue it for awhile

·Should I focus on this story only or my other books I like writing?


That's all for that but now for what I really wanna say

Since I won't be doing a special chapter for reaching 10.k+ reads I want to do something for you guys since you have been so nice and supporting 

And what I want to do is draw something for you guys 

Specifically two things 

One-either I pick a couple people and draw them a new icon or something like that if they want 


Two-I draw a big portrait like thing of every one (send an example of what you look like or ant to look like) and I'll make it my profile background and ill post is on social media and on this book

I'll pick what the minority picks but also ill think of me to.

Thank you guys for  reading this and also just being here 

Also thank you vivie for drawing on the cover pick for this chapter, you did good m8 :)


Time Finished: 11:19 pm

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