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Justin's POV

I had been hearing a young girl screaming coming from the apartment next to mine for the past two nights. The morning after the first night I went to my neighbor and asked about it but, he denied it. Speaking about my neighbor, he was really weird. He had grey hair and dark grey eyes. His eyes had a underlying cruelness in them. He looked like he was about 50. He kinda reminded me of my twin half sisters. He had only moved in a month ago.

That night I knocked on the door. I heard whispered voices, I couldn't hear what they were saying. One voice belonged to my neighbor, the other belonged to a young girl. Then I heard shuffling followed by footsteps.

"So who were you talking to?" I asked the second he opened the door.

"I wasn't talking to anybody." He didn't seem like he was lying but nothing can fool a were-cats ears, even if I'm only half were-cat.

"Then, who was screaming?" I asked looking closely at his eyes. They had an evil presence behind them. The presence was more obvious than it was the last time I talked to him.

"Are you on about that again? I told you no one is screaming. You're delusional." He was glaring at me.

"Why'd you take so long getting to the door?" I asked.

"Uhhhh....." he trailed off.

"Well?" I asked.

"Um, I had to pick up some things so my apartment didn't look terrible." He tried to smooth over his pause.

"Did you honesty think I would buy your bullshit? Also I can hear her breathing, so how about you tell me who she is and why she was screaming and I won't have to call the cops." I suggested.

He reached for something in his back pocket. I grabbed his arm and twisted it, as he immediately tried to free himself, I twisted his arm more and a loud snap sounded. He screamed as I grabbed his other arm.

"Now, are you going to corporate or, am I gonna have to break your other arm?" I asked him.

"I'll corporate! I'll corporate!" He cried.

"Pathetic." I said and shoved him to the ground. I saw the gun in his back pocket. I grabbed it from him. I tore off some fabric from the bottom of my shirt and tied his hands together. I walked over to wear I heard the girl breathing. I walked in and immediately looked away, she was naked.

"Put this on." I took my jacket off and threw it at her. I heard scrambling and the rustle of fabric, when she stoped moving around I looked at her. She had red hair and light pink eyes. She looked like she was scared of me. I walked over to her and picked her up gently. I carried her over to his couch and put her down on it. She seemed so fragile, and she had been broken several times already. I had call my dad.

"Hey, Justin what's up?" He answered.

"Can you come over to the apartment next to mine? Number 567." I asked.

"Sure, why?" He asked.

"This guy seems to be part of human trafficking. You used to be a cop right?" I asked to make sure.

"Yeah I'll be over in a few." He said and hung up. I walked over to the bathroom and grabbed a bar of soap. I walked over and put it in the guy's mouth. I walked over and sat down on the couch next to the girl.

"Hey sweat heart, what's you're name?" I asked her.

"M-melody, Melody Hall." She answered.

"My name's Justin. How old are you?" I asked.

"I'm eight." She answered.

"I'm 28." She still seemed terrified. I had an idea. I partially shifted to my were-cat form. Melody looked up at my ears. She seemed interested in them. I twitched one of them. She reached her hand up and them hanked it back and scrunched up her face.

I stroked the back of her head, "Hey, what's wrong." I asked.

"I thought you were going to hit me." She admitted looking down.

I put my hand under her chin and pushed her head upwards so she looked me in the eyes.
"Now why would I do that?" I asked.

Melody's POV

Why was this man being so nice to me? Nobody was nice to me, I was a thing to be used. He was treating me like an equal.

"Because I tried to touch your ears." I admitted.

"You're allowed to touch my ears you know. I won't hit you for it." He said as he smiled. I reached up and touched his black ears, they were the same color as his hair. His eyes were two different colors, the left one was green and the right one was black. His ears were soft. I heard the door open. Another man entered. He had eyes that were the same shade of green as Justin's one eye. Justin and the man had the same color skin and hair.

"So, was this the son of a bitch you were talking about?" The man called.

"Yeah. Don't be afraid to beat the information out of dad." Justin told him. That's why they looked similarly they were father and son.

"So tell me what's your name?" The man said taking the bar of soap out of my captor's mouth.

"Dick Wilson." My captor answered. Justin's dad visibly tensed up and then kicked Dick in the face.

"So, you're the jackass who raped my husband." He spat and slammed his foot down on Dick's face.

"So, I'm going to be killed by my brother in law? Charma is a bitch." Dick said.

"I'm going to enjoy beating information out of you." Justin's dad said as he kicked Dick in the stomach.

I turned my attention from them to Justin. Justin had stopped stroking my hair mid stroke and he was staring at Dick.

"Justin? Are you okay?" I asked him.
"Huh, what? Yeah, I just zoned out for a bit that's all." He said and smiled again. He continued stroking my hair.

"Why are you helping me?" I asked him.

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