Chapter 7

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This chapter is gonna be really short. Sorry guys! :(

Elsa's POV

"I wake up to the glowing suns warm rays beaming onto my face. I yawn and push myself up. I stretch my arms and smack my lips. I then look around remembering the recent events with Jack and Anna. "Oh goodness!" I mumble and stumble upwards. "I hope Anna's okay." I mumble again. I walk onto my balcony and gaze at the sunrise. "Why must I be cursed? Why can't I be ordinary!" I start to tear up but quickly shake it off remembering the lyrics to my song.

"They'll never see me cry!"

I smile and turn to walk back into my castle.

"Wait where is jack?" I say out loud."


Jack's POV

"Wind take me to the North Pole!" With one last glance at sleeping Elsa I jump off the balcony as the wind sweeps me up an I glide away into the brisk morning air. My stomach hurts as I think of leaving Elsa without telling her. She's my best fried after all and what if something happens to her? I inhale deeply and think again. "She has ice powers she will be fine." I mumble and smirk. I soon see a glistening palace in the distance. I smirk and make my way there.

I land without even a thud on Norths glistening palace in the snow. I walk through the big double doors and almost run into a yeti. "Wow! Watch it!" I say laughing. The yeti shakes his head and gives me a stupid look. I walk away where I see North staring at the globe. I fly up behind him and pat his shoulder. "What did you want North?" I ask. He looks at me. "Ah! Jack Frost so glad your here!" I shake my head. "Your not answering my question." I say smirking. He then looks back at the globe and frowns. "Pitch... He is back, he also has an accomplice." He mumbles. "How do you know?!" I say quite loud. "Black sand covered the globe again... Then pitch appeared at the top laughing his horrible laugh. He then looked down on us and created the figure of a man with his sand. He then smiled at us and laughed again. "I now have a friend! And we soon will finish you and that annoying Jack Frost!" He then disappeared leaving us guardians in shock and confusion." He sighs. I my eyes are wide with worry and confusion. "But how?" I whisper. North looks at me with a confused expression. "We... We don't know."

ö *GASP* oh NOOO go away Pitch! And wait who is his friend??? His accomplice?!

- ❄Elsa ❄

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