Chapter 11

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Elsa's POV

"I look up at him still in his embrace. "What do you mean?" I ask almost in a whisper. He pulls me close. "I came across an enemy of mine... And he Loves fear he feasts on it daily. And nothing just nothing." He sighs loudly and I can tell h has a scowl on his face. "Jack... Not to be nosy but I know something's up so can you tell me? Maybe I can help!" I say with a smile. He shakes his head. "You can't help Elsa!" He mutters. "Yeah I can!" Jack looks at me. "Elsa you have to understand! You literally can't help!" I cross my arms and frown. "We will see about that!" I push away from him giggling and run out the door. "Elsa!" I hear him yell playfully. I run down the hall doing my best not to trip on my dress. Suddenly something grabs my waist. I start giggling and turn to see jack. I shake out of his grip and I fall. We both start laughing. We are now in the garden and the stars are shining bright tonight along with the moon. I can feel Jacks intense gaze but I continue to look at the moon. "Manny." He says. I look at him confused. "Manny?!" I giggle. "Yeah it's what us guardians call the moon... Man in moon." He stutters nervously. "He's the one who made me a guardian." He says and looks at me with a smirk. I smile.

"What is it like being a guardian?" I blurt out.

He smiles "well at first I hated it cause no one could see me even the guardians yeah they are nice in all but still I wanted really people to see me." He looks up at me. "Elsa... You are the first person that I know of that believes in me." (AN: JAMIE AND HIS FRIENDS DON'T EXIST YET) I feel my face heat up and we both sit there staring into each others eyes. I didn't notice him inching closer until I felt his breath on my face. "Should I let him?" I thought. Suddenly his nose touches mine and we are just staring into each others eyes a few centimeters away from each others faces. I'm to afraid to move, what if I hurt his feelings! I feel my eyelids grow heavy and I lean in slightly. His breath is warm against my face. I smile as I feel the tip of his lips begin to touch mine. Butterflies erupt in my stomach and I start breathing heavier. Then he does it he kisses me fully on the lips! His soft touch makes me feel like I'm about to explode! But as soon as it started it ends. Jack leans back and doesn't even look at me. He looks worried as he looks around. He is clutching his staff firmly. "I'm sorry jack." I say softly. He looks at me. "No it's not you! It's... It's something else." He continues to look around worried. "Jack what's wron..." Suddenly a warm, gross smelling hand wraps around my mouth and another one around my waist. I am then pulled back into the shadows. "ELSA!" I hear jack scream. Suddenly it's black Pitch black."

Jacks POV

"She's gone! And it's all my fault! Why didn't I kill Pitch when I had the chance! When he was unconscious lying on the floor all vulnerable and weak. Jack what were you thinking! I run to the wall where she had disappeared in the shadows. I saw a light gray hand wrap around her face right before she vanished. So of course I new it was Pitch. "Pitch let her go!" I yell. I hear a disturbing chuckle that sounded nothing like Pitch. "Who ever said it was Pitch!" The voice says in a way that makes a chill go down my spine. "Who are you!" I yell clutching my staff ready to fire at the slightest but of movement. "Why don't you remember!" The voice chuckles. A man then steps out of the shadows. His hands now grey and face grey as well. His eyes are a dark black and he wore a dark cloak. But I recognize him with his red hair. "Hans?" I whisper. The man smiles wickedly. "Ah! So you do remember!" He laughs. "Where is Elsa!" I yell at him inching closer. "Her and I have some unfinished business to attend to!" He says with the smile vanishing off his face. He replaces it with an evil grin. "Let's just say Im still after the throne!" He chuckled. I was now enraged. How dare him try and get the throne of Arendelle again! He totally blew it last time. "You will never be accepted into the throne of Arendelle!" I scream. Hans chuckles. "Oh but I will! Just wait and see!" He then vanished into the shadows leaving me alone, worried, and confused."

Elsa's POV

"Jack!" I mumble as my droopy eyes open. I am tied to a wooden chair in what seems like a jail cell. "Your awake! How delightful!" A voice says from the shadows. I scowl but say nothing. "Aw just look at that scowl! How adorable!" I am now annoyed on many different levels. Two men the. Step out of the shadows. One tall and slender with a grey face and black spiky hair. The other looking vaguely familiar. He had a grey face and a dark cloak on. He had black eyes and red hair. "What do you want? And who are you?" I mutter angrily. The tall one laughs a spine tingling laugh. "We'll I'm Pitch, Pith Black! The king of nightmares!" He smiles evilly. The other man then speaks. "And I am .... Hans! His apprentice now! Since I am not going to be accepted anywhere else." He growls. "Why am I here Hans!" I yell.

Frost starts to grow along the rope behind me and ice appears shortly after. I try to hide it as best I can so I can make an unexpected breakthrough.

"Because we need to settle some things! I will let you go... Let say if you marry me."

I am disgusted. "You have the audacity to lie to my sister, try to kill my sister and me, then ask my to marry you!" I scream angrily.

He grins. "Your highness, you see I am still after the throne and I'm not giving up as long as I live. So might as well give in."

The rope now is covered in ice and can be shattered at any moment. But I am waiting for the right moment.

"I would never marry you! Plus I have feelings for another guy." I mutter.

"Ah... Jack Frost! That stupid thing! All he does is ruin things. And soon enough he will ruin you!"

That's it. "Don't speak about him like that!" I yell. I then shatter the rope and thrust my hand at him landing an ice shard in his shoulder. Causing him to stumble backwards. I then turn towards Pitch and all he does is laugh. "Bravo! That was magnificent!" He claps his hands. I look at him confused. I thrust my hand at him but he swiftly blocks it with a sand shield. "What the!" I whisper. He only laughs and pins me against a wall. "Where can you go now? Queen!" He laughs.
Oh NOOO! Bad hans and pitch!


Thanks guys for the 150+ reads! It means a lot!

Love you guys!


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