Chapter 3

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You woke up chained to a pole in a place that looked like a basement. You tried to break free. It was no use. The cuffs around your hands wouldn't budge. You began to cry in fear. Then the door opened. You saw the shorter skeleton. He looked surprised when he saw that you were awake.

"heh, now look who has the upper hand kiddo." He laughed harshly. You showed no emotions. He stopped laughing after a moment. He looked at you questioningly. "you'll have to stay here for a few days since the final chamber isn't ready, but hey, that gives me time to repay you for that fun time we had back there in the forest." He said grinning. You knew he was trying to get a fearful reaction out of you. You just closed your eyes and looked the other way. You sat there silently. He stood there awkwardly. "uh, kiddo? you brain dead or something? did i punch you that hard?" He asked, somewhat concerned. You didn't move, just simply answered,

"No." He seemed surprised you could even talk.

"well, uh, then i'll just..." He seemed at a loss for what to say. "i-i'll just got get my fun tools then! i'll have a great time hearing you scream." He said grinned. You knew he was still trying to get a reaction out of you. You said nothing. He grew angry. "hey," He growled storming up to you and grabbing your chin forcefully. He mad you look him right in the eye. "what's the matter with ya? aren't you scared? aren't ya gonna beg for MERCY?" He growled.

"No." You said. He looked slightly surprised. He let you go. You looked at him slightly surprised. He looked...sad? Well sad-ish maybe. 

"what...kind of human are you?"

"A sane one." You said. He looked mad.

"you being smart with me?!" He yelled.

"No. I just told you the truth." You replied. He looked stunned again. There was silence between both of you for a few minutes. Then he knelt down and unchained you. You rubbed your wrists. "Thank you." You said. He flinched.

"u-uh, your wel-" He cut off, quickly changing what he was going to say. "i-i mean don't get used to it human! your still our prisoner." He said. You nodded, standing up. 

"May I know your name?" You asked. He looked confused, but then he nodded slowly and said,

"i'm...uh, i'm Sans." You smiled and nodded.

"I'm (Y/N). Hello Sans." You said. He still looked unsure.

"uh, yeah...hey." He mumbled. You waited for him to speak again. He seemed to regain his confidence pretty quickly. "come on, i bet my bro would love to see you." He chuckled, grinning at you. You sighed, knowing what was coming and followed him. You walked up the stairs. "boss!"

"WHAT?!" Someone yelled angrily. 

"the rat's awake." He said. The same tall skeleton came out of a place that looked like the kitchen. He glared at you.

"YOU." He hissed. You could see the rage shimmering in his eye sockets. Sans stepped back and chuckled.

"have fun kiddo." He said. The tall one stormed up to you. You had been right. He was two feet taller than Sans, making him two feet taller than your 5 foot tall self.

"YOU LITTLE PEST!" He said and slapped you. You fell backwards. You didn't scream or cry. You new that would only give him satisfaction. He grabbed you by your neck. You coughed, nearly unable to breath. He lifted you off the ground. "DID YOU REALLY THINK YOU COULD BEST I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS?!" He yelled right in your face. You said nothing. You only tried to loosen his grip so you could breath. He growled in anger and threw you into the wall. You crashed into it hard. You fell through the air landing flat on your but afterward. Sans was just watching all of this take place with the same lazy grin. Papyrus loomed over you. You stared up at him wearily. The impact of the wall had left you slightly dizzy. "GET UP." He growled. You didn't move, still kinda spaced out. He grew angrier. "I SAID GET UP!" You still didn't move. He grabbed your shirt and threw you again. You hit the ground and rolled a few feet limply. You didn't make a sound. You got onto your hands and knees. He looked at you slightly puzzled. "WHY ARE YOU NOT SCREAMING IN PAIN?" You looked at him.

Is Red for Blood or Love? (Fell Sans x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now