Apartment 68
🔙 📞
_____________________T: apartment 68
T: can you actually please stop
T: you're really loud up there
T: I can hear every single fucking thing
J: oh sorry
J: I'll keep it down next time
T: I think I've asked you this multiple times already
J: yea next time I'll keep it down like for real
T: you said that last time too
J: then what the fuck you want me to do
T: not to fucking swear at me and be a fucking adult
J: I'm 19
T: you're an adult.
J: I have a daddy
T: what the fuck is wrong with you
J: jk I'm the daddy
T: that's it I'm complaining to the owner
J: go ahead she's away for a trip to Hawaii for a month
T: I'll text her
J: she doesn't check her phone during vacays
T: will u stfu
J: I'm not talking tho
T: apartment 68 shut the fuck up
J: I have a thing called a name
T: doesn't fucking matter
J: stop using the word fucking for fucksake u fucker
T: i can't believe I'm doing this
J: doing what
J: hey
J: hellooo
J: did u give up on me or
J: I'll scream louder next time if u don't answer
J: you're gonna love it
I actually need to stop publishing books when I can't even update others smh
| Vkook | Apartment 68
FanfictionT: YOU T: YOU T: YOU J: Good morning to you too Where Taehyung can't stand his loud upstairs neighbour. [lots of crack]