Chapter 18

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Mill POV

I followed Ms.Collins in to the back of the classroom. I was wondering what she wanted to talk about. Hopefully she don't tell me this little girl then did something.

"So about you daughter." She said leaning on the desk.

"Yes" I said looking at her carefully .

"Well it seems she has been having trouble being in this class." She said staring in my eyes. If this women don't stop its kids in the room.

"Is she not doing her work, because I can have a talk with her." I said ready to get up from the chair.

"Oh nothing like that. She does the work, but she finishes it before any other student. I have given her some of the high school Calculus work and she has finished it without a problem. So me and some other teachers think she should be able to skip a couple of grades. She a very bright young lady." Ms.Collins said smiling at me.

Lord why she have to go there. That little side smirk turned me on. God give me strength.

"Well I think that's a great idea. So will this be starting next year or what?" I asked standing in front of her.

"Well yeah. She would be taking high school classes, but we think keeping in this school will be better for. She won't have to be around people who are years older than her. Also she won't have to loose any friends." I smiled thinking about my baby taking on all these big things.

"Will that be it?" Asked looking up at her.

"Yes that will be all." she said sticking her hand out. I shook her hand was about to turn and walk away. But she didn't let go of my hand.

"Can I have my hand back?" I asked with a slight giggle.

"Oh yeah. It was nice meeting you." She said staring me down

I walked away but stop hearing my name being yelled .


"I think my teacher likes you." Cally said with a big smile on her face.

"I think so too." I said kissing her forehead.

-I'm so sorry this is short but I just got back to writing. I haven't been updating because I had to get a new laptop and college things. My bad I will be better at it now. I still been writing things ideas for this book and more.

                                       Love Mil...... Xoxo

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