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I quickly jumped out the broken window as soon as the door opened. I landed on my two feet and started running away from that window. I guarantee you, it was Lucifer. There was no doubt about it though.

Then I collided into someone. "Ow" I said as I began to fall backwards. "Yusa-chan, are you alright?" Elliot asked as he saved me from the fall, in an utterly romantic move. "E-Elliot!" I exclaimed as I moved away quickly. "What? No thank you?" Elliot teased. "Oh, um, t-thank you" I thanked him. "What's this?" Elliot pointed out. I looked in the direction he was pointing in. The photo! (Yup, she stole it). 

"It's nothing! Nothing at all!" I lied as I quickly picked it up. "Ehhh, come on let me see!" Elliot insisted. This dude is actually pushy about this. Should I? Nah, he doesn't look like someone I should trust. Definitely someone I shouldn't trust. All of a sudden, the photo from my hand disappeared. Eh!? 

"Oh, it's just a photo" Elliot said as he started examining it. "Oi! Give it back!" I shouted. "Why should I? This doesn't even look like it belongs to you" Elliot replied as he started walking away. Crap, if anyone finds out about this, I'll be dead!

I jumped on Elliot from behind, without thinking. We tumbled onto the ground. "Gotcha" I said as I retrieved back the photo. Elliot started laughing. "You're really interesting, aren't ya" Elliot added. I glared at him. Huh? What does he even mean by that?

I got off of him and brushed off the grass. "You're the first woman that landed on top me instead of me on top of them" Elliot said. "Are you a playboy?" I asked. "Me? I suppose you can say that" Elliot replied. "But none of them really caught my interest..." he continued as he looked at me. "Why are you looking at me?" I said with disgust.

"That picture belongs to Lucifer, am I right?" Elliot asked. "Eh? H-How did you know?" I replied. "We all have a copy of it. I remember that Lucifer's copy had a slit at the bottom" Elliot replied. I looked at the photo. There was a slit at the corner of the copy. Did I just now realize that now? I must've been blind. 

"Um, do you know why he does his hair like that now?" I asked. "That...I'm not sure either. He started doing it all of a sudden one day" Elliot replied. "So it's not for style?" I added. "Nah, I don't think so" Elliot answered. "I see then. But I have a feeling that he's hiding something behind the hair" I guessed. "You think so too. Actually I've never seen what's behind it either, not even when he takes a bath with us" Elliot added. "You guys take a bath together?! That's disgusting!" I shouted. "Don't you?" Elliot asked. "Oh, now that you've mentioned it" I agreed.

"Why don't we stop talking about Lucifer and notice me a bit?" Elliot suggested as he reached up to touch my hair. "You're disgusting" I replied as I smacked away his hand. "Ah, don't say that. I hardly ever find interest in woman. So this is the first for me" Elliot insisted. "You're annoying, that's why" I added as I stood up and started walking away. "Don't be cold now. Play with me a bit. I'm bored" Elliot continued as he grabbed my hand from behind. 

"Oi, let my woman go" Lucifer demanded from a distance. I looked at him. Eh? Does this scene make me look like I'm cheating on Lucifer? Eh? MY WOMAN!?!?! WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN?!

Author's Note:

Lucifer, get your woman back on track!! Yusa, you do look like a cheater right now, an incredibly dense cheater. Elliot, you playboy~

Boy jealously is my shit. I LOVE IT! It's so cute. Girl jealously is like World War III happening. It's embarrassing at times, but sometimes good. But boy jealously is, ON POINT in my opinion. I'm going to write all about it in the next chapter. Comment your preferences down below. Either boy jealously or girl jealously, which one would you like?

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