Getting home

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***ahhh, I can't apologize enough if any of you are still reading I hope you enjoy and I completely forgot I left this on a cliffhanger.. so here goes nothing

Cas grabbed Deans hand, "he'll be alright, the doctor said it would be a simple procedure, 2-3 hours max." It didn't calm him down but it did stop his fingers from fidgeting too much.

Gabe wasn't in any better shape than Dean was, he didn't sleep the night before the procedure but the doctors wouldn't let him stay in the hospital. Well no, but a very kind nurse called him a cab and told him to "get some sleep honey, he's gonna need you here tomorrow."

Cas was the only seemingly calm one, he wanted to stay with dean but wasn't allowed to sleep in the room with him. He felt awful about everything but he knew if he had cried or freaked out it would only make things worse. So he just sat sat and helped the other two get through it.

Sam had been in surgery for just over and hour and they haven't gotten any updates, Gabe assumes it's a good thing but an update would be appreciated.

He brought his sketch book hoping that drawing would keep his mind off of things. No such luck, it just sat in his lap.

Maybe he shouldn't be worrying this much, easy surgery, few days in the hospital then a few weeks recovery, that's it; then Sam will be Sam again.

Gabe checked the time, 8:37, then 10 minutes later, 8:38. He groaned. How was that even possible??? Sighing deeply, he gets up to get some water at the fountain.

Dean and cas barely look up when he leaves, they all need to just take a deep breath and stay strong for Sam. He's the one getting surgery not them, everything is fine. And will be fine.

When he lifts his head up from the faucet he turns and sees a nurse walking towards his group. He didn't want to move, afraid that he would hear something he didn't want to. He couldn't make out the words from his lips.

Gabe tried to will his legs to move but he was lost in thought after thought. Bad news? Good news? Jsut an update? Deep breathe. Move.

***thats all I can do for now I'm so sorry


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