Chapter 10: birthday

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-Amy's p.o.v.-

I didn't even know I was meeting Justin!! Harry just told me to look nice because we were going to the concert on my birthday since I have the same birthday as the biebs. I'm so excited for the concert. I didn't even know I was meeting him!! Ahh I was so excited.

"wear something really nice for the concert okay?"


"it's your birthday and his and your surprise"

"agh I hate surprises"

"I have a feeling you WONT hate this one!!"

"well I wouldn't know. "

"you will soon"

He is acting so weird. Why? Why does he want me to dress nice for Justin bieber? UGHHH. I want him to tell me!! It's my birthday goshh. Dx

"babe the concert is at 7 but we are getting there early cuz we are on the floor and the surprise will be around 6:30"

"how will you give me the present at a concert?"

"you'll see love"

"ugh I can't wait"

"ik love but it's 5 already. Get ready"

"okay I'll just get naked"

"hmmmm I likeee the sound of that"

"hey boy it's only been a month and your already wanting more?"

"well your going to be my wife one day and I want to make love more then once"

"aww. Hehe. And yes I know."

"I don't like the biebs we don't get along"

"this proves you love me Harry Edward Styles"

"you don't even know how much I love you Amy Marie Bullock"

"kiss me Harry"

He then kisses me. I really love this boy. I get a call. It's my mom. Well it is my birthday so I would be hoping shed call!!

"hey mom"

"Amy!! Happy birthday!! I can't believe your already 15!! My baby girl is growing up so fast!! I love you Amy!! I'm going to visit in a couple days!!"

I say, "yay mom will we be picking up the little ones?!"

"if you want yes, baby I have to go but happy birthday !! I love you !!"

Gosh I love my momma. I miss her. Hopefully shell find a great guy again. She's still young only in her 30's and she could still have another child or 2. I turn back to Harry.

"important question how long have we been dating?"

"the 12 will be 6 months!!"

"good you got it right!!"

"it's getting late it's almost 6 we better leave"


we get in the car and I'm like super excited for my surprise. I dislike surprises though :/ ugh why can't Harry be a NORMAL person and tell me my present -.- haha that didn't make sense. On the way there I brought my "believe" cd because we are going to the "believe tour". I play my favorite song "fall" and he looks at me.

"why are you staring at me Harry"

"because I like this song out of all these songs"


"because it reminds me of you. You are my sisters best friend and like my best friend and now were dating"

"hehe I love this song too"

"you love all his songs" he says rolling his eyes

"but this is my favorite on this cd!" I whined

"of course I know this baby!! You tell me every time we listen to this song"

"well I'm glad you actually listen to me!!"

I smirked

"well duh I do I have to and plus I love what you have to say..well sometimes!"

I smack him, "don't start it's my birthday!"

"ow wow girl you are strong for a little girl"

"shut up I'm not little" I said with my hands crossed

"I meant short haha"

"well I can't help it. I'm actually fun sized dude. And your like 6'2 not fair"

"yes I am haha" he smirked

"are we there yet??" I whined getting VERY impatient. I'm wondering what the dang surprise is!!

"actually yes"

"good. Can I just have my surprise yet?"

"after you put this blind fold on"

"You have to be KIDDING me Harry"

"nope" he smirked, "put it on or no surprise"

"okay but you have to help me because this is stupid omg Harry"

"hahaha your such a pain"

He said after he put this thing on me.

"okay I'm going to lead you okay?"

"well I was hoping you would because I have this stupid thing on!"

He lead me into a room and I didn't know where I was. And then I heard a voice a FAMILIAR FREAKING VOICE. I could obviously tell who it was. He said,

"Harry!! Is this your girlfriend?"

"yes she uh she loves you....a lot JS haha shes uh a belieber"

"well I can tell because of her bracelet. Well it's her birthday"

I actually answer eager to see who it was and see if I'm not dreaming

"yes....I can't see Harry can I take this stupid thing off"

"yes I'll help" he says helping me take it off and Justin looking at me....


"uh yes?" he asked

"your umm your Justin Bieber? As in Justin Bieber? The Justin Bieber?? That I've loved since 12 years freaking old!! Is it you?? Am I dreaming?? Is this a prank Harry??"

They both laughed at me. This. Is. Not. Funny. Omg. I'm. In. The. Same. Room. As. The. Justin. Bieber. THE JUSTIN BIEBER. I try to breathe as Justin says,

"hey apparently I'm Justin Bieber. I think you figured that out haha!! Well um Harry asked me if I could sing happy birthday to you and you be the OLLG so I said of course I would love to!! So I will sing to you on stage "one less lonely girl" and tell the audience it's your birthday and I'll sing happy birthday to you"

"omg omg omg omg. I'm the one less lonely girl?? No way!! NO WAY!!"

"haha well if you don't want to be th--"


"haha of course you can be the one less lonely girl!!"

"your amazing both of you!! Justin I love you!! Thank you!"

then I have him a hug <3 :) this is the best freaking day of my freaking life and the best birthday in the history of birthdays!! Omg. I'm. So. Happy. Omg. Justin Bieber. I still don't believe it....

Hope you guys like it. I'm a belieber & directioner!! No hate :) I hope you enjoy


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