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Maybe a word we use to comfort ourselves for the decisions we made, The decision we didn't "CHOOSE", The decision we said that we are "FORCED" to do for him or her life to be "BETTER" that MAYBE she will be "HAPPY" that MAYBE someone out there is really "MEANT" for him or MAYBE not "NOW" MAYBE "ONE DAY" that you can be "TOGETHER" that MAYBE she will be "FINE" that he will "FORGET" it all and will "FIND" someone who will "LOVE" him the same way he "LOVED" you how he "CARED" for you the one who she really "NEED" the one who will "ALWAYS" be there for her the one who won't do "STUPID" things, The one who won't "HURT" her, won't make her "CRY" because of sadness but make her cry because she is very "HAPPY" that "FINALLY" she found someone that "UNDERSTANDS" her.

MAYBE is just like WHAT IF who takes out the chance we got to do something "NEW" to make "CHANGE" of our lives. but let's be HONEST to ourselves we know DEEP DOWN that we can make a DIFFERENCE in EVERYTHING in EVERY MOMENT if we stop saying MAYBE and start DOING IT, I have a question to you whom reading this if you ever love him or her why say that maybe someone can make him or her happy, Why not make him or her happy? If it's not a person that you love why let other people stop you from doing the things you love?, Why say MAYBE they are RIGHT? be yourself don't settle from maybe and what if go out there and make a change in your life you can do it, I believe in you Goodluck. :)

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