Can I Borrow a Pen?

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This is dedicated to undying love for pizza. Just kiddingツ


Emily fell in love. She has had the same crush since kindergarten. It was love at first sight.

Nash was only a young boy at the time, so he didn't know what was good or bad.

"Mizz Cazper!" Yelled the young boy

"Yes, Nash?" the teacher sighed.

"I forgot my crayons at home," the little boy whimpered.

"Ask your partner if you could borrow one sweetie." she suggested.

Nash turned to his partner and tapped her on her shoulder.

"Emily?? Can I puhlezzzzz borrow a green crayon? I really gotz to use it for my tree!" he asked.

The little girl smiled, revealing her crooked smile.

"Okay fine. But remember to give it back?" she asked in her most serious tone.

Nash nodded.

"And don't break it,"

'"Okie dokie!"

"And keep it pointy?"


"Oh and put it back next to the blue cray-"

Nash turned his head and pecked her a little kiss on the lips.

Emily screamed, grabbing the class' and the teacher's whole attention. Rushing to the scene, Ms. Casper looked worried.

"What happened Emily?" she asked her student.

"Nash kissed me!" she gasped, pointing at her lips.

"Nash! Why did you kiss Emily?!"

His class whispered like, "Nash gotz the cooties," or "Nash and Emz, sitting on a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-N-G,"

" Because girls talk to much! When my mommy talks a lot, my daddy kisses her and she stops."

The teacher looked surprised and she laughed.

"Well isn't this unusual. Nash, say sorry to Emily for embarrassing her. You get a time out at recess and a pin down."

He nodded and went back to work to coloring. The class did keep talking about but the idea of cooties disappears after a few days.

The only one who kept thinking about the incident was Emily. She has developed her first crush. She fell in love a couple grades later.

But little did she know that everything that falls breaks. She thought it was magic but all magic comes with a price.


A.N. So this was a part of Emily and Nash's history and is very important. So anyways, if you guys thought this was cute, please keep reading and vote!


P.S.If you are a fellow Oncer, you would've gotten the ending;)

P.P.S. Comment that you're a proud oncer!

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