Believe In You

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Louis' POV

"What?" She asked, sitting with her arms holding her up. I glanced away, them took a deep breath.

"I love you." I repeated, grinning. She blushed, smiling the biggest smile I had ever seen her smile.

"I love you too." She laughed lightly, happy. She leaned in, and I pecked her lips.

"Let's get back home." I smiled, helping her off the hood. I opened her door, kissing her lips before shutting it and running to my side. I drove back onto smoother roads, holding Jenna's hand. I pulled into the driveway of our L.A house, turning off the car. I didn't realize how late it was, as I saw only Liam out on the couch, giving us a wave as we passed by. I jogged up the stairs with Jenna right behind me. I paused, listening. Jenna heard it too, and we peeked into Niall's room from the tiny crack. Jenna's eyes went wide, wanting to yell and scream. I pressed a finger to my lips, yanking her by her hand into my room.

"Dude!" She whisper shrieked. I shook my head, chuckling. She rolled her eyes, smiling. "How the.. I'm surprised she's over. She's never like, confident like this." She babbled.

"Want to go mess with them?" I smirked. She nodded her head, following me back to Niall's door. She stared at me hard, ready to go when I gave the signal. I counted to three and we shoved the door open, scaring the hell out of Danie and Niall.

"Why don't you have a damn shirt on lad?" I asked.

"Better not be what it looks like. I'll mess you up Horan." Jenna glared.

"I'm on the other side of the bed!" Danie said, defending the two of them. I laughed, opening Niall's closet. I tossed a shirt at him, pulling down a few blankets.

"Put that on." I jokingly commanded. He threw the shirt back at me as I carried the blankets to the door.

"Alright, we'll be in my room!" I said, leaving as I chuckled.

"I'm watching you boy! I'll run back in here so fast, you won't be able to react before you're over with." Jenna threatened, walking out slowly. Danie threw a pillow, rolling her eyes and shutting the door. I continued walking with the blankets.

"Why did you take those?" She questioned, walking back with me.

"Because we're making fort." I stated, pulling chairs and rearranging things in my room until the fort was set up perfectly, pillows and a blanket in it. I let Jenna pick the movie, which I was surprised at her choice, Silence of the Lambs. We cuddled in together as the movie started. I pulled her to me, kissing her shoulder. She blushed, kissing my lips. A bit into the movie, we had started paying attention and were now quiet.

"Louis," she said, grabbing my hand.

"What's wrong love?" I asked, sitting up.

"Someone wants to sign me." She stated. I stared at her, excited beyond belief.

"I made it." She smiled. I leaned over, kissing her lips passionately. I held her hips, her head now between my neck and shoulders.

"I knew you could."

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