Chapter I

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"Elysia! Duck!" Logan warned. I turned my head in his direction. I saw a charm ball flying towards me. I cast a protection charm to stop it from hitting me.

"Logan!" I hollered at him. I just got awake and this is what I encounter. I got out of my room, still half asleep, and see a charm ball flying towards my face. What a great way to start the day.

"He did it, Elysia. I swear!" He said in defense while pointing at someone. I look at the direction he was pointing. Oh, great. For Pete's sake, it is too early in the morning for me to see that idiot.

"Move out of the way, will you?" The idiot said with despise filled in his voice. My eyes instantly rolled at the sight of him. I think it is safe to say it is a natural reaction when you see a walking nonsense.

"Tch. I do not think this hallway is yours, Nathan." I snapped at him.

"I also think it is not yours either, Elysia. Now, move." He even had the guts to talk back. I placed my left at my waist due to his response.

"Why would I?" I retorted.

"'Cause I told you so."

"Um, guys, maybe you can tone down your voice? Even just a bit." Sana whispered. She seemed like she was frightened as if something terrible was bound to occur. Tch.

"Stay out of their fight, Sana. You know very well they never listen to anyone but their self." Logan warned. Sana looked hesitant but decided to follow what Logan said.

"And just who do you think you are to make me leave whenever you want?" I hollered at Nathan. My brow was raised heavenwards.

"You do not know me?" His expression immediately changed into a playful one. "Nathan Hamilton at your service." He said while mockingly bowing at me. "You already know me. Now, leave!" He hollered.

"I am not going anywhere!" I loudly exclaimed. Apparently, it was a bit too loud for my father's preference. He went out of their room, and I tell you, he does not look happy.

"Elysia Mayfair! Come here this instant."

"Ha! Serves you right." Nathan teased. He started walking back to his room. Fortunately, his father was also out of their room.

"Nathan Hamilton! Where do you think you are going?" Sir Creo, his father, said.

"It looks like I am not the only one getting punished."


"Are we not done yet? I want to go already. I cannot stand another moment with him around." I said while pointing at Nathan. I really hate being near him. I bet he feels the same. Wait, no, he really feels the same. We were both about to stand when our fathers scolded us.

"Both of you, stay seated." Both our fathers said. Do they really have to say that together? They sound so rehearsed. Well, this has already become our routine though. I cannot blame them for that.

"But, Dad!" I complained.

"No buts, Elysia, and no shouting in the library. We just arrived the library and yet you are already complaining." Dad said.

"Nathan and Elysia, continue reading." Sir Creo said. We both had no choice but to obey them. We continued reading the mediocre books our fathers picked. I have two complaints. One, Nathan and I are seated facing each other in a single table, which is downright vexatious. Two, never let your council father pick your book. They are so mediocre that I almost fell asleep when he just passed me the book.

Fantasia Series Book One: Enchantment KingdomWhere stories live. Discover now