Chapter II

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Yes, that is right. I am an alpha. The highest yet rarest hierarchy in the Enchantment Kingdom.

Being an alpha was never my choice. Even if you do not want to accept the reality, there is no other option. I was born an alpha.

Family origin is considered inconsequential when it comes to hierarchy. Whether you are a child of a noble, a council or a commoner, it does not matter at all. Enchanters and enchantresses can never decide which hierarchy they would belong. You do not choose your hierarchy, your hierarchy chooses you.

I walk towards my companions. My eyes never glimpsed elsewhere. I kept my vision straight, disregarding the surrounding audience along my way. Although it was difficult to venture out of this crowd, I did my best to keep a straight face neglecting some judgmental stares. Even though I could not view the expression on their faces, I could already tell whatever it is and it pains me every single time.

As I reached my destination, I gave Logan a taste of his own medicine. "Ah, Elysia! It hurts!" He hollered while trying to free his left ear from my grip, but I did not release it despite his effort. Rather, it only made me hold on to his ear even more making his complains even louder.

I felt a tap on my left shoulder. My sight instantly glanced at the owner of the hand. "I think you should let him off the hook this time, Elysia. It was not his intention for that to happen." A soft voice defended. "Maybe he only wanted to notify you where we were. Am I right, Logan?"

"What Sana said is correct! I only intended to assist you since you seemed lost earlier!" He hollered trying to appeal to me, but still I was in the state of contemplation. It was such a predicament moment for me. They do not understand the shame that I felt and they never will.

"Elysia, you should let it go. You are starting to gain the attention of the spectators again." Luna warned. The gawkiness I felt earlier sunk back all over my system once again. I can feel all eyes on my back. With Luna's statement, I released Logan's ear. My eyes caught a glimpse of my brother. Tyler was looking at me with worry. To ease his anxiousness, I just shook my head once side to side, then faced front and I held my head high, refusing to give in to awkwardness. Soon, the tension died. For me, at least. Not one person from our circle spoke a word at all but I do not mind the silence.

My eyes examine the arena. Its grand ceiling has lights dangling above us. Those will be responsible for brightening the entire area when the event officially begins. Its oval-shape structure with elevated seats made spectators easily visible to each other. Across us, above the seats is the stage intended for the announcer. In the center is the battle area. The walls are high enough to be unreachable to the duelers. They are intended to keep them from going to the audience area.

Looking at the physical attributes of the enchanters and enchantress, it is impossible to differentiate their hierarchy. Your hierarchy is not visible in your features. That is one reason why we have to wear these bracelets. It is for differentiation purposes. But for me, it is a sign of discrimination because there are countless occurrences that it made me feel isolated and unwanted.

"I wonder who would be dueling today." Tyler said in hopes of breaking the ice. The silence between the five of us earlier would have been eternal if Tyler did not talk. The subject he picked must have interested the others, most especially Logan.

"I think it would be awesome if someone from us will battle." Logan muttered. As for me, the subject is entirely mediocre. Rather than participating in their chat, I averted my glance at the stage. There, I noticed the announcer was already preparing for today's event.

"Ha, you wish. I do not want to battle today. Have you forgotten how exhausting it is to duel?" Luna retorted. A match includes tons of physical involvement. Which simply means getting beaten up.

Fantasia Series Book One: Enchantment KingdomWhere stories live. Discover now