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"Meet me at Cafe Hustle at 5.00 pm sharp! Ill get Jhil there! Now i better be going ,don't be late". Lena spoke on the phone with caution. "but...please tell me she won't leave me ." Kevin muttered with an hushed tone. "Come on there and we shall speak." saying this Lena slammed the phone. 

       Kevin, was scared , something didn't seem right, he had hoped he could avoid going there,something was holding him back ,However he had to go. As Lena walked out of the study, her mother was there ,looking at her suspiciously . "What are you doing in the study at 2.00 at this night Lena.". Lena couldn't think of what to say, she stood frozen as her mother repeated" Lena, what are you doing at this hour." A notion struck her head,pretending to have sleep walked Lena walked back to her room, her mother was too exasperated to give it another thought. Few minutes passed and Lena ran to Jhil's room to talk to her. As she entered, to her surprise Jhil was awake, she sat beside the casement, looking into the eyes of the full moon ,expressionless. Lena knew it wasn't the time to speak to her ,she just turned on her heel to retrace her path back to her room and just then she heard "Lena,tell me ....don't walk away.". Lena turned back and advanced towards the sister ,looked into her eyes, sat on her knees in front of her and holding her hand "We are in this together, lets see what happens ,I asked him to come Cafe Hustle at 5 tomorrow , please be there." Lena got up hugged her sister and with just a goodnight went out. Jhil was speechless, but Lena knew she would come. That night was a torment for both Jhil and Kevin

                         So it was 5.15 pm already and Lena had been sitting in Cafe Hustle for 15 mins already. Kevin felt exactly diametric of what he had felt when he first wanted to tell Jhil how he truly felt . Anyways he had no choice, he had to go. He reached there and all his eyes searched for was Jhil. Jhil saw him and at once ran towards him,in his arms and a stream of tears was seen flowing with its source ,Jhil's eyes. They sat down beside each other holding hands that they never wanted to let go. They looked at Lena with eyes filled with hope and Kevin spoke" Lena, you are the only one who can help us , what is it you wanted to speak Lena." ."Well, Kevin it's not me who wanted to speak but Jhil, i just wanted to tell you both that whatever you decide i will fight for you until the end." . Jhil pulled her hand of Kevin's and looking straight at the table "We need to end this." For a minute Kevin couldn't understand what he had just heard, his trust over his ears faded ,he could never think of Jhil telling him anything like that. After 5 minutes of uttermost silence "Jhil' look into my eyes and say the same thing and i will walk away without another word . Jhil looked up into his eyes and with a stone on her heart said "It's over!" . Although I (Lena) knew Kevin very little, i could hear his heart break into millions of pieces as Jhil said those words. Kevin stood up , smiled at me and said " Take care of her." and walked towards the exit and as he did I could see his feet fumble. No sooner had he just walked out Jhil without  a word ran and behind her me. "Kevin.." .Kevin turned to look at her with tears in his eyes and the next thing i heard was a loud squeak... NO! it couldn't happen ,tell me this isn't true ,this cannot be happening! the next thing i saw was a car which moved so swiftly and took away Kevin with it! For a moment i couldn't understand what was going on, what happened ! the only thing that struck to my mind was Jhil. I turned to her and she was still. She didn't show signs of any expression .I then saw her walk, walk to Kevin , who was bathed in claret, who had left her without another word . She sat beside him staring at his lifeless body . 

                     That which was a beautiful piece of art a few seconds ago was now just piece of memory. Everything just broke within a blink of the eye. I couldn't react, couldn't tell Jhil anything. What are we but mere bodies with blood and bones , the death of which leave a mess behind. We indeed lost Kevin that evening , but he did not die in vain. He left Jhil behind with a million words left unspoken . Jhil did not utter a word, her silence said it all. Her eyes spoke for her, the water cleansing her eyes left a scar in her heart . 

                                  It was hard to take her home but what was harder was to see her smile in front of everyone when i knew she was dead, dead on the inside.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2017 ⏰

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