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"Look it isn't an option for me, i don't think i can do without him you know! he's just become a part of me!." Jhil wiping her tears with her head down told Lena. Jhil, had been dating a guy called Kevin Tribbiani from her school. The two had met through  an acquaintance , in Naina, Jhil's bestfriend's party 4 years ago. However, their personalities just clicked off and they grew to be really close friends. 2 years later they ended up joining the same college. Kevin always had the titillation for Jhil and all could see it but her. One fine day he finally summed up the courage to tell her how he truly felt about her. 

                                                                                  2 YEARS AGO

 It was fresh monday morning when Kevin finally decided to confess. He never found it so hard to speak to her before , but he knew he had to get there and just tell her, it was now or never. Kevin got dressed in the best way he could that day, his favorite shirt, his lucky shoes and yes! how could he not wear the cologne! cause behold girls love cologne! He was so specially dressed that it made him confidant and he walked out of his main gate with a sense of prospect that he would get this! He reached school and saw Jhil sitting on the settee looking extra dishy today!. he went up to her as always sat beside her "Boo!!.". Jhil jumped on her seat! "Kevin go get a life man! stop being so obnoxious! stupid fella! can't you see i have tons of work to do, i ain't got time for your lunacy." Jhil muttered with rage. "oh!! don't think i m dying to converse with you alright, Lucy !! Lu.." Kevin tired to make her feel envious" Alright fine, tell me , what do you want?" Jhil rolling her eyes told. "Ah! nothing really important just meet me at the park near the post house after college . bye!."and Kevin walked away from the bench. Jhil however did not put much of a thought to it, the two friend always hung around in that park,it as nothing new to her! However Kevin constantly thought about it,making a speech, convincing himself to do it and was being a nervous wreck !! 

              "Hey! you know Physics is just isn't my thing you know ,but who is gonna talk to my dad god! this gets on my nerves." Jhil  begun yakking about her life. Kevin got up walked to and fro trying to get the courage, beads of precipitation appeared on his forehead . Jhil at once knew something was dubious. she walked up to Kevin "Hey Kevin! tell me what is going on !come on spit it out !." Kevin looked down trying to avoid eye contact. "Kev! just tell me, who's the girl huh!." Jhil tried adding a touch of humor to the situation. "YOU ,YOU ,YOU !!" Kevin shouted !." look Jhil i always loved you ! i promise not to ever hurt you! I belong with with you Jhil. i don't want an answer from you , i just had to tell you ." Jhil stood there motionless. " okay, i guess i should just go." Kevin looked at Jhil and turned on his heel to walk off . Just as he was about to leave he felt a clasp on his wrist ,he turned back and it was Jhil will eyes filled with tears ! She looked at him and said, " I m not insensitive to everything that happens around,i know everything, i know what you feel. This is the best thing that can happen to me ." after an episode filled with love they exchanged hugs with speechless faces that indeed spoke much more . Jhil on the way back thought about what would happen when her father would know but decided to confront it all. Although Lena told her it was wrong and she would have lots of problems she decided to go along with it. And it has been 2 years for it now

                                                                               PRESENT DAY

'Lena , please do something, I wanna go away from this place. He is the only thing that makes me so happy and I cannot give up on him .He never gave up on me and i can't be so unfair." Jhil burst out into a stream of tears. " Di, i told you stuff will end up icky and there is no way out . listen i can't talk to our parents about it for you only you can help yourself with that ,but this was wrong , you shouldn't have gotten into it ,now if anything happens a friend will be lost. Anyways don't worry ill talk to him about this tomorrow at least  all will be fine for now." "Ah Lenu you are a blessing." Jhil enveloped Lena into her arms 


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