Part 2

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Alexis p.o.v

"Aaliyah, Arin. Come down here and eat!" I yelled to my twin girls.

They came running downstairs and sitting at the table and starting eating.

"Hey babe!" I said as my little sister came in the house.

"Hey Alexis!" She said smiling.

"Dynastee what time did you go to Wesley's house?" I asked.

"2:45 p.m!" She said smiling.

"I'm sorry about Justin." Dynastee said sitting next to me.

Then there was a knock at my door.

I opened it and saw these two hot guys.

"Hey I'm Grayson and I'm Ethan." They said holding out their hands.

I shook their hands and the one didn't shake my hand he hugged me.

"You're Alexis right?" The one with the dot on his chin asked.

"Yes. Why do you wanna know?" I asked.

"You're supposed to go on a double date with us. And by us we mean you and Grayson and me and Brittney." They said taking turns.

"Can we have a double date here because I have kids and I don't really want to leave them and I made dinner." I said as I let them in.

"Grayson and Ethan Dolan are in our house. Omg!" Dynastee said as she starting jumping around.

"Do you know them?" I asked.

"Know them? I fucking live for them!" She screamed.

"Have you seen my wall?" She asked.

"No and neither has Wesley I'm sure." I said smiling.

"Brittney!" Dynastee yelled.

Brittney walked downstairs and Ethan starting staring at her like there was no tomorrow.

"Aaliyah and Arin, come on here and play with me please." Dynastee said.

They came in here with her and they played with blocks even though my Dynastee is 14 years old and my daughter's are only 4 years old.

I smiled at them and then we walked into the kitchen and got our food then say in the dining room.

"No. Okay here's what we're gonna do. I'll bet I'll beat Wesley when he comes over tomorrow and if I don't beat Wesley you can rip some of my posters in my room. Deal?" I hear my sister say to my kids.

"Deal!" Aaliyah and Arin say at the same time.

We finish eating our food and then we go and sit down o in the living room for a little bit.

"Brittney. Have you ever heard a dream dancing? Well I did." I hear Dynastee sing.

"Please don't start." Brittney asked.

"Have you ever had a boyfriend names Wesley? Well I did." I hear her sang again.

"Have you ever had posters of twins on your wall? Well I haven't." I hear Brittney say.

Dynastee glares at her and she smiles.

I laugh at both of their faces.

"Looks like we have to go but before we go can you show us your room?" Ethan asked Dynastee.

"No maybe tomorrow at 2:00?" Dynastee said smiling.

"Okay. We'll be back at 2:00 tomorrow." Grayson said.

I kissed Grayson and he kissed back.

"Good!" I said shutting the door when they left.

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