Part 4

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Wesley's p.o.v

2 years down the drain.

We didn't break up we just ate mad at each other right now.

I can't let 2 years go just like that.

I love her very much and I'm glad she's mine.

I told her I wanted to keep a secret till August also but I just can't help it.

Not being able to hold hands in public is really getting to me and I'm so mad at myself. I don't even know why I'm mad at her.

I walked to her house and I knocked on the door.

Brittney opened the door.

"Please don't call her down here I need to talk to her alone." I said as I walked inside.

"I wasn't going to call her down here anyway. I think she's sleep." Brittney said.

"Stuck up bitches these dayz. We need New dayz." I said under my breath.

"What Wesley?" She asked.

"You're stuck up." I said running upstairs to Dynaste's room.

I walked in slowly and I heard her sobs.

I took off my shoes and shirt then I layed in bed with her.

She looked at me for a second then wrapped her arms around my waist.

I laughed and she layed her head on my chest.

"I'm sorry for getting mad at you for something that stupid." She said apologizing.

"Hey no. It's my fault. I should've waited until August to tell them but I couldn't help it. When we go out in public don't you wanna hold hands and kiss?" I asked as she looked up at me.

"Yes but you know what I want right now?" Dynastee asked touching my button on my pants.

"What?" I asked smirking.

"Food." She said getting out of bed and grabbed my hand.

We both walked downstairs hand-in-hand and I kissed her cheek.

"What's the quickest thing to make?" Dynastee asked Brittney.

"Cereal!" She said handing Dynastee a bowl.

"What's my favorite feral Wesley?" Dynastee asked.

"Froot loops motherfucker!" I said kissing her lips.

Dynastee was so into the kiss  that she dropped the glass bowl and it shattered.

I laughed and she was standing there shocked while Brittney was glaring at both of us.

"Here use this one." Brittney said handing Dynastee a plastic bowl.

I laughed and Dynastee got her cereal.

Dynastee kissed me and stuck my younger in her throat and she smiled and pulled away.

"You're suck a little kid." She said as she was done eating her cereal.

"Oh yeah I'm a little kid. Well let's go upstairs and I'll show you how little I am. Okay?" I asked.

"Okay. I got you baby boy. Let's go." She said grabbing my hand leading me upstairs to her room.

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