Part 6

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Narrator's P.O.V

* 6 year's later*

"Wesley stop." Dynastee whined as Wesley was doing retarded things.

"I'm just tryna have fun. Let's play a game Mekhi Johnson." Wesley said to his son.

"Wesley you don't have to call your son by his first and last name." Dynastee said.

"Baby look. I have candy if you get into the car!" Dynastee said as Mekhi ran into the car and she gave him the candy.

"Wesley don't even play." Dynastee said getting in the driver's seat.

Wesley got into passenger seat and turned on the radio.

Wesley was really hype maybe because he got a 3 year old son who looks up to him and who looks up to his mommy also.

"Turn that off!" Dynastee yelled over the loud music.

"No. I'm 22 and you can't tell me What to do anymore." Wesley said kissing her lips.

"Your son is sleeping. Have some respect." Dynastee said kissing his cheek.

He turned off the music and he stayed silent the rest of the car ride.

"Dynastee I need to tell you something." Wesley said.

"What is it?" Dynastee asked.

"I'm cheating on you with Courtney." Wesley said as he watched her face.

She turned into a gas station and Wesley looked back at his son.

"Did you get her pregnant? Did you have a baby with her? Were you with her since you were 14 years old?" Dynastee asked.

"No baby girl-

"Don't fucking call me that Wesley because I'm not your baby girl." Dynastee screamed in anger cutting him off.

"I'm taking my son. I don't want my son around that Bitch Courtney." Dynastee said getting out the car.

Wesley didn't try to stop her because he knew he didn't deserve a good women like her.

He knew he didn't deserve to have a beautiful son.

He knew he deserved a lot worst than a caring girlfriend a son and a good job.

He said he cheated on her on purpose because she's to good for him.

Watching her walk away was probably the best thing that he let go.

What Mekhi looks like

What Mekhi looks like

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