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Chapter Two:

|raleigh's pov|

"C'mon Ash, we've got to eat at the usual, it's the only place I can eat. If we don't eat there I'll be like Eleanor," I whine to Ashton over the phone.

"What about Eleanor?" Luke pipes in over the phone.

"Anorexic," it's sad to say it but it's true.

"Don't talk about her, she's not," it sounds like Luke is gonna cry.

"I'm sorry, Luke, accept that fact that she is."

I hear a knock on my door. Maybe it's the girl who actually goes to school, Eleanor. Why does she waste her time with school? I mean, she's skinny enough to go off and be model. Not all models have to be as pretty as the others. She's also quite tall, she doesn't even have to look up to look Luke in the eyes.

"Hey, Raleigh." Eleanor says sighing flopping down on the couch after she places a massive stack of books and binders on the table.

"Hey, Eleanor." I say, waving with the hand that I'm not using to hold the phone.

"Okay, have you decided?" I ask the boys.

"She's a lady, let her have what she wants." Calum says.

"Thank you Calum!" I squeal.

I turn off my phone so the boys aren't able to change their minds. I doubt that they would, but I guess you never know with them. I'm pretty sure Luke and Ashton are chewing Calum out becuase he gave in, but who could blame him? I -and everyone other person- knows that Calum has a crush on me. It's probably because of my amazing attitude, or my beautiful body or some of my amazing characteristics. Something like that.

"Was Luke on the phone too?" she asks, blushing.

"Unfortunately." I sigh, I'm well aware that she fancies my brother, and he likes her, but ofcourse he'd tell my secrets if I told his.

"Oh." she says fidgeting with her fingers, acting as if it was the only thing going on in the world.

I nod.


Filler chapter, sorry.


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