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Chapter Three:

|calum's pov|

"Why did you give in? You don't give in, Calum, not to girls!" Ashton calls to me.

"I'm guessing I shouldn't be taking orders from a, uh, virgin." I say bluntly. It's a pretty good comeback, in my opinion. But, I know what his comeback is going to be, it's pretty obvious, and everyone of my friends know it. Nobody at the school knew it, I guess I walked around like a living sex-symbol, basically.

"You're a virgin too."

"Kind of, but not really." I didn't have anything else to say.

I mean, you're not "kind of a virgin." You either are or you're not. And I, for one am still a virgin. I only kissed a girl about a week ago, and, I wouldn't even call it real. See, we were all playing truth or dare and Michael never really liked Luke. So, Michael dared me to kiss Eleanor- the anorexic girl Luke loves- and I did. I didn't enjoy it, holding her small brittle body in my firm muscular arms.

It didn't feel right.

And ever since then, Luke has had a short fuse with me.

"Calum, you puke-for-brains, you're either a virgin or not, and it's quite clear what you are. You were too afraid to take a girl to the dance that you payed your cousin to take you." Luke said, clearly annoyed.

"Atleast he had the guts to go." and that was it, the knockout punch. Nobody said another word, we just stood there.

Everyone was suprised at what he had said, what Michael said. He never really talked,and he never even thought about joining in on an argument, even if it was his own argument. He just stood there, silent.

Luke groans-clearly annoyed- and storms off.

I think about it and I erupt in a load of laughter.

"What's funny, Hood?" Ashton asks.

"Our argument, I mean, only we would come up with arguments like this," I state.

Michael gives me a look, a look that wants me to explain, I guess. Once you live with a person like Michael, you learn what body language is. And if you live with Luke, he gives multiple lessons on it so you could understand Michael, and he lets Michael come. He thinks if Michael sees us doi f the lessons, he would feel homey and like we're making an effort to help him.

It's been the first time I've heard Michael talk in about two months.

"I mean, our argument was 'you took your cousin to prom' and 'atleast I went'. It's something only we would argue about, I guess."

"Yea," Ashton nods.

"It's because we're friends," Michael says, walking off.



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Gosh, this is another filler, but I can promise, the next chapter will be like massive!!


Much love to ya, checkout my other prologues and stuff, all of them will have a first chapter really soon!! :-)

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