So goise...
For dance we are doing performances and junk and like, there's this girl on my team (her name is Katie and she's like 17 if u wanna know) and she had a solo and it's legit the best solo I've ever seen!!!
It's definitely not as good as dance moms but honestly it's prettier than most of the lyrical dances I've seen on that {amazinggggg} show.
So she did a lyrical solo to Fight Song and it was so gorgeous!
And like, at the beginning and in certain parts of the song, someone was talking about diabetes. Because Katie has type 1 diabetes. And so like...hold on I'll see if I can find something on YouTube.
Well nothing on YouTube! 😞😞😞
But it was like, "I was diagnosed with Type 1 when I was 11. And all my dreams of {blah blah blah} came to an end. But I will keep fighting and {blah blah blah...}..."
Ok so TBH I only saw it once so far and I don't know everything it says but it made me wanna cry.
Dollhouse (Bio Book)
UmorismoD - O - L - L - H - O - U - S - E I see things that nobody else sees