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Taylor pov

Friday, July 15, 2016

Today is the day.
I get discharged this morning, after Nat fills out all the papers. I can't wait, I hate hospitals, nothing good ever happens when I'm in one, weather it's just for getting a checkup, or something major like this. Like two months ago I was coming just to get my physical, and I ended up having to get an EKG, and 3 shots!
So I was happy to get out of here, my aunt said that in my parents will, it says that if anything happens to them, she is the one who is supposed to become my legal guardian anyway.
So it won't be a problem when I go live with her, and she told me that Wednesday she went to my house and boxed up all my stuff, and yesterday the movers came by and picked it up, So by time we get to her house all my stuff should be there, so I can go ahead and start putting everything back up. Nat said that I would have to share a room with Wyatt at first. But it wouldn't be permanent, just until the addition to her house gets finished, which she said would be 2 months at the most.

No, it wasn't the perfect situation, yes Wyatt is my favorite cousin,but I need my own room.
She said our flight was supposed to leave today at 4 and we would get there around 5:30 or 6, and Wyatt would come pick us up from the airport.

I was excited to be back in Susquehanna, with all my old friends and family. My best friend there is Kylee. She is absolutely crazy and I love her to death. I can't wait to see her tomorrow I decided not to tell her I'm coming, and surprise her tomorrow when I get up. Right now Nat is trying to gather up all my stuff around the room, they let me get dressed this morning and out of hospital clothes.

It's 2:30 right now, so me and Nat are about to leave, she got finished signing everything, and she got all my stuff into a duffle bag. We're gonna go grab something to eat, then head to the airport. We just drove through Chick-fil-A, because we were in a hurry to catch our flight.

•skip all the boring flight details•

As son as our plane landed it was around 6, me and Nat went to the baggage claim down stairs to get our bags and meet up with Wyatt. I'm excited, I haven't seen him in like 7 months. When we we riding down the escalator, I saw him, standing there looking on his phone, I ran up to him and tapped him on the shoulder, and he looked up at me and smiled.

"TAYLORRRR" he said wrapping me in a hug.


Everyone was looking at us, giving us weird looks because we were yelling as loud as we could. I looked around and just laughed, then I looked up at Wyatt, yea we might be the same age, but he is literally like almost a foot taller than me, he's 6'1 and I'm 5'2.

"So," he asked


"How are you doing, you know with all this stuff." He said using his hands, as gestures.

"As good as anyone can I guess, I've cried my self to sleep every night, earlier when we drove by chipotle I cried, but normally, if I'm not just sitting there, just constantly thinking about them, I'm okay.That's why nights are so hard, I haven't got much sleep lately either, because I can't ever fall asleep, and if I do I end of waking up because of a dream I'm having that there in." He just pulled me into a hug.

"It's okay Tay, we'll get through this."

"Yep, because now I have someone to stay up at night with me."

"Huh?" He asked

"Did Nat not tell you?"

"Tell me what," he asked

"I'm yo new roommate" I said enthusiastically.
He just rolled his eyes.

"HEY! Don't roll your eyes mister, and it's not like it's for that long either, Nat said two months tops."

"Longest two months of my life."

I playfully punched him on the shoulder, then our bags came and we grabbed them and headed towards home.

Word count:766

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