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Taylor pov

Saturday July 16, 2016

As we were navigating our way to the back door of Austins house, I began to feel nervous. I hate swimming, mainly because you have to wear a bathing suit, also because my hair takes ages to dry, so I hate wetting wet, or actually swimming, but everyone else here seemed to love it.

When we finally got to the back door, I was basically hyperventilating. But when I saw the back yard I gasped IT WAS HUGE! Austin literally had everything, he had two trampolines that were in the ground and side by side, a beach volleyball court, a basketball court, and a beach style pool, it was all beautiful.

"Wow," I said

"Yea," Roz said, "You'll get used to it."

I just laughed, how could anyone get used to this?! We walked down the stairs and saw all the guys hanging out around the pool, and of course, all of the girls ran to their boyfriends, honestly I don't know how Jack can deal with all of them. I went over and sat in a chair under a big umbrella, though it wasn't doing much good, considering the only light right now is the pool light. I sat down, and draped a towel over me because it was a little chilly. After about 30 minutes of everyone splashing around, jumping off the diving board and being stupid, jack got out of the water and came and sat on the chair beside me.

"What's up?" I asked him

"Why won't you get in the water."

"I hate swimming." I said bluntly

"But you can swim right?"

"Well, yea I mean when I was younger I wou-"
Then he picked me up and in one swift motion he threw me over his shoulder.

"Jack please no, don't do this, you're supposed to be one of the good guys." I said to where only he could hear.

"Oh, so if I threw you in the water would that make me a bad guy."

I nodded my head, next thing I knew I was in the pool.

I came up gasping for air and looked around, everyone else was getting out, then then suddenly Jack emerged from under the water.
"I've heard girls like bad guys," Jack whispered in my ear before swimming off


What the hell! Why did I just say that! Now I sound like a weirdo, I looked back and she was still just standing there, it felt awkward now.
GREAT JACK! Way to go and screw things up!
"Come on!" I said pulling her along, everyone else had already dried off and went inside.
We walked over to the chairs where our towels and phones were. We dried off, and after a few minutes of silence she looked over at me

"Jack, have you live in Susquehanna all your life?"

"No, actually I just moved here 8th grade year."

"That was the year before I left for North
Carolina, did you go to Susquehanna middle school?"

"Yea," I said nervous, I was afraid she was going to say something like, oh know I remember you, you were that one weird stalker kid.

"Huh, wonder why I never saw you around, what classes did you take?"

"Physical Science, Algebra 1, Pre-Ap English, and History."

"I don't know how I never saw you, I had all of those classes, except I took Pre-Ap History."

"Oh, wait now that I think about it, you might have been in my science class." I tell her


"Yep that's me," I said smiling

"That was the day we were supposed to dissect frogs, and you brought a live one and tried to convince Mrs.Andrews your frog came back to life." She said laughing

"She would have believed me if Maddie didn't tell her!"

We both sat laughing for a few minutes, talking about all the random shit we did in eight grade, until Wyatt came and told us they had just started a movie, so we got up and followed them inside.

A/N 7 votes for next chapter!!

Word count: 699

Anxiety//Jack AveryWhere stories live. Discover now