A Deadly Fall

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(Shelby) I had missed it. My life flashed before my eyes. What had I done? I was a failure. I was a protector of the Chosen 5. But, really, how much did I fail? My first group disappeared after a day. There one of them died immediately. Once I got another group 3 of them went missing after the first night. We saved them, but another one died. In my two years on the job 2 died out of 10. Each group is supposed to last 50 years. Mine lasted 2. Maybe this was a good thing...

(Dawn) "It's my fault if she doesn't get Graser. Please can you give her five more minutes?" I said. "Dawn, it's not your fault..." Mousie told me. "We're gonna get her and Graser out." Ross said. Mousie glared at him. "Mousie, this is the only way we can shred on Jess!" Tommy said. "Fine. But, no longer then 5 minutes." she said. "5 minutes on the dot." I promised. It was my fault Shelby was alone. I wasn't gonna give up this easily.

(Graser)"Come on!" I said, "First one up gets a pizza!" I jumped. I made it. "Come on Shelby." I yelled from the top. Shelby ran from the back of my platform and jumped. She was gonna make it! Pew! Pew! (What noise does an arrow make? Now it sounds like a gun...) A skeleton shot her. She was knocked back into the void. I heard the most high pitched noise I've ever heard. NO SHELBY!!!!! I did the only thing I could think of. I jumped.

(Mousie) I walked out of the room. (the room where it happens, the room where it happens, the room where it happens) "So Shelby's not out yet." Cory said. I almost jumped. "I didn't see you there." I said. "Your not answering so she's not?" Cory asked. (Why is Carl so smart?) "Not yet." I answered. "She'll be fine." Cory said. "How do you know that?" I asked. "I don't, but I know Shelby. She won't go down without a fight." he answered. I walked into my room. God Shelby, please be okay.

(Shelby) I felt tears roll off my cheeks and up into the void above me. I hope Graser's gonna be okay without me. Please Graser get out of here. I felt a hand wrap around my wrist. I looked up. Graser...

(Nick) I sat in my room with Herbert and Ashlie. I was hugging Herbert. Cory walked in. "Is Shelby up yet?" I asked him. "Not yet." he answered. I wasn't going out there. The way Jon talked about bringing Shelby back if she was dead... I didn't really want to know what he meant by any of it. Jon walked in. "Do any of you guys want to play Dead by Daylight to pass the time until Shelby's back?" he asked us. "I'm down." I said. "Sure." Ashlie answered. "Why not?" Cory said. 

(Graser) I grabbed Shelby's wrist. I don't know how to use my powers that well. I hope this works out. I tried to make something. Anything to help us. Try one. Nothing. Try two. Nothing. Third times a charm. Right? A mist hand warped around my leg. Shelby was a few feet from the ground. It pulled us both all the way up to the top. "You owe me a pizza." I said and let her go on the platform. Shelby laughed. "Let's get out of here." I said. I grabbed her hand and pressed a button in the middle of the platform. We were out!

(A/N I DID IT!!! TWO CHAPTERS IN A DAY!!!! ARE YOU GUYS PROUD OF ME!!!! No one? Okay... Maybe (Probably not) I'll make up Your Worst Nightmare too. MAYBE!!! Don't hold me to it. If I can't do it today I'll do it by/on Mon. (3 chapters of that this weekend) HAG'D (have a good day)

- Yari :3 )

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