10. New Friendships

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Draco's POV

That morning I woke up surrounded by a mass of blankets, pillows, and sleeping bodies. I laid there for a moment trying to recall what had happened last night, when all of a sudden the "floor" I was laying on moved. I then realized that I had fallen asleep on top of Hermione, and my head was pressed against her stomach.

It all came back to me then; Potter cheating, Blaise's planned proposal, Ginny Weasley staying with us, an of course the strange but fun sleepover that we all had in the living room. I looked over at Ginny, who was fast asleep leaning against Blaise. She looked peaceful there, and at that moment I felt something strange. I felt the need to protect this girl, even though I knew she could protect herself.

It was weird I'd never really like any of the Weasleys, especially that prat Ronald, but I couldn't ignore how right this scene looked. The four of us passed out in the living room together, real friends. Well there is the potential to be friends anyways.

I got up carefully trying not to wake Hermione, and walked to the kitchen to make some breakfast for everyone.

About 30 minutes later the smell of bacon finally stirred somebody awake.

"Are you making breakfast?" Ginny asked sleepily from behind me. I turned around and smiled at her.

"Yeah, I figured we could use a good start today after staying up so late last night." I chuckled.

Ginny smiled a bit and said, "It definitely smells good."

"Well I'm not as good as Blaise, but I'm pretty good at making bacon." I said.

"Hey mate, you might want to turn around you're burning the bacon." Blaise yawned as he walked into the kitchen.

"Dammit!" I yelled and turned back around, sure enough my beautiful bacon was turning black. So much for doing something nice this morning.

"Why don't you make some tea Draco? I'll finish breakfast." Blaise laughed and grabbed the spatula from my hand.

"Oh I'll make some chocolate chip pancakes!" Ginny squealed and pushed me out of the way so that she could reach the stove.

"Fine I can't cook. You guys just do your thing." I rolled my eyes and went about making the tea. Hearing laughter coming from the stove, I turned and watched the two of them working together. I couldn't help but notice the slight sag of Ginny's shoulders was lifted, or the way that Blaise laughed with his entire body as he talked with her. They were two broken people that looked completely at ease with each other, as if they'd been friends their whole lives. It was a beautiful thing.

Once the tea was done I poured into two mugs and walked into the living room, where Hermione was still peacefully sleeping. I sat on the floor next to her.

"Hey, wake up sleepy head." I said softly. Hermione's eyes slowly started to open. She let out a quiet yawn and looked up at me.

"Goodmorning." She whispered.

"I made you some tea." I said, and handed her a mug.

"Mm thanks." She mumbled sleepily, and sipped on her tea. 

"Guys breakfast is ready!" Blaise called from the kitchen.

I helped Hermione up to her feet, and we walked to the kitchen to find a huge mess. There was flour and melted chocolate everywhere. Ginny and Blaise stood sheepishly by the stove, and both were covered head to foot in what should've been our breakfast.

"What happened in here? I was barely gone for five minutes!" I asked, shocked. They just looked at each other and started giggling. Soon Hermione joined in, and I was left wondering how my life became like this. I'm a baby sitter to three grown adults.

"He started it!" Ginny said breathlessly. Blaise looked at her with his mouth wide open.

"I did not!" He exclaimed. Now even I was fighting the urge to laugh, as this was all just so ridiculous.

"Well I'm hungry, so we'll just clean up after we eat." Hermione said, and started filling a plate with pancakes and bacon. We all agreed and went about filling up our own plates.

Blaise and Ginny used scourgify to clean each other up before we all settled in the living room floor to eat.

This was definitely something that I could get used to.

Hermione's POV

After cleaning up the huge mess made in the kitchen, I finally cornered Ginny in my bedroom.

"Hey Gin.." I said softly, while she was looking for something to wear in my closet.

She sighed. "I was wondering when you'd ask me about it."

"You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to. I understand what you're going through." I said gently.

"How do you do it Hermione?" She whispered. She turned around to look at me, and I could see the pain etched on her face.

"Do what?" I asked.

"Stay so calm. How do you act like the person that you loved the most didn't just rip your heart out and stomp on it?" Ginny fell to her knees and scrunched her face up in effort to stop the tears. She'd held it together for a while, maybe being distracted by all the chaos of our flat has helped.

I crouched down beside her and wrapped her in a big hug. "It's not easy Gin.. but I've got wonderful friends that are helping me get through it. You have us too. Draco and Blaise are a lot different than what you're used to but they're amazing friends, and you're welcome to stay here with us for as long as you'd like."

Ginny looked at me, and attempted a smile. "You know what he said when we confronted them?" She asked getting a dark look on her face.

"What did he say?"

"That he was drunk, and angry with me. Luna came and confessed her love for him, and he acted on impulse. He threw away our marriage because he was angry and wanted to get back at me for supporting you and Draco ." She said ruefully. I was shocked. Of course I knew how Harry could get when he was upset, but for him to cheat on Ginny just to get back at her was absurd.

"I'm sorry Ginny.." I whispered.

"Don't be. Now if I'm staying here with you then I'll need a bedroom." She said, and stood up.

We spent the rest of the day expanding the flat to accommodate another bedroom and bathroom for Ginny. Tomorrow we're going to get her things from Harry's flat. I really hope he plays nice.

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