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"Do you ever,
Hear a song, And think of me? This happened to me,Just one time.
And you know what I did?
I put it on repeat."

Dinah wrote down what she was thinking before her thought was lost and forgotten.

It was Saturday which meant she had a free day to do whatever she pleased.

And for some odd reason all she wanted to do was go sit under her big oak tree and read.

She gathered all her things together making sure to grab her pens and notepad.

On her little journey there she walked looking around at the quiet scenery she admired the way you could hear the birds chirping without people walking around talking blocking them out. She looked up towards the sun for a quick second.

The sun reminded her of Normanis smile and the way her face lit up whenever she saw her, she smiled slightly at the mere thought of her.

She walked over the patch of grass becoming closer to the oak tree as she got closer she noticed what seemed like a shadow coming from underneath the long limbs.

Continue to walk due to her curiosity she noticed a small blanket squinting her eyes she tried to figure out who it could be since it seem like she was the only one who appreciated the old oak tree.

Only inches away she pulled back a few limbs before ducking her head to go under just to become face to face with her walking poem smiling ever so brightly " I've been here for hours waiting on you I thought you would never come " she stood up dusting herself off " come have a sit I brought you lunch " she Guided Dinah towards the blanket she had laid out with a picnic basket sitting in the middle of it " how did you know I come here " she looked around until she came back to a set of eyes she could stare into night and day.

Watching her watch her she formed a smile throwing her hand up to cover her mouth before she could place it there Normani reached over and lightly grabbed her wrist " Why do you do that " she asked looking into her eyes trying to figure her out " You should smile more " she whispered causing Dinah to slightly roll her eyes.

" Hey don't roll your eyes at me I know you've heard that plenty of times before
But really you should smile more " Normani let go of her wrist taking her hand into hers " I don't have anything to smile about " Dinah replied back while allowing Normani to intertwine her fingers in between hers.

" I know you say you don't have nothing to smile about, but I've seen you smile before and it was the prettiest smile I've ever seen before. "

" I've only started smiling so often because of you " Dinah spoke lowly allowing her thought to become one with Normani.

Normani squeezed her hand lightly while Making sure to look Dinah directly in the eyes " as long as I can be the reason behind your smile I'm satisfied " She showed off that famous smile while letting go of her hand to grab the basket.

" I seen you sitting up under here a couple of days ago I'm surprise I did due to the long limbs but then again how could I not notice your beautiful spirit shining from underneath it "  she looked up towards a speechless Dinah speaking " but here You can choose between pb&j or ham and turkey sandwiches " she laid everything out on the blanket in front of Dinah.

" the coffee shop was closed today so I couldn't get your tea so I made you some myself it may be nasty but at least I tried right " she completed what she was working on before looking up at Dinah " it's the thought that counts Right? " she asked with a smile on her face earning a head nod from Dinah.

Dinah watched her lower her head back down to continue to unwrap everything with a smile upon her face the whole entire time.

They say good things come to those who wait, well that's a good thing because I've waited my whole entire life for someone like her

Truly Yours ( Norminah )Where stories live. Discover now