Chapter 7

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I walked out of the kitchen, wondering how in the hell am I supposed to do this.

Everybody was sitting either on the couch or near the table, eating pizza to their heart's content. Steph was beating Harry's butt at Xbox, but the look in his eye stated he was letting her win. Liam and Zayn were eating their pizza at the dinner table, which was rarely ever used. I mean, c'mon, we're 5 teenage boys, did you expect Christmas dinner every night? Lastly, Louis was having a conversation with Addy.

She was breathtaking in all senses of the word. She was so casual, and I loved it. Just the way she stood left me gasping. She laughed at something Louis said, her head leaning back a bit, her eyes closing slightly. She was just...


She must've caught me staring, because she looked my way suddenly. I could feel the blush creep down from my cheeks to my neck as I bowed my head in embarrassment. God, what is she doing to me. When I looked up again she was still looking at me. She said something to Lou and started walking away from him. Towards me.

Holy hellcakes, what am I gonna do?! My stomach is being legit attacked by woodpeckers. She's getting closer, only 2 meters awa-

"Hey." That's all she had to say for my knees to give out. I fell to the floor, feeling my back hit the wood floors. And yes, actual real wood, not that fake linoleum crap. I caught myself before my head could hit the ground, and I grunted in surprise and pain. You could hear everyone in the room gasp in shock and run over to me and see if I was alright.

"Niall, are you okay?" Addy asked me. If it was anyone else, I probably would've said my ass hurt, but this was Addy. Big difference. So I settled for brushing it off. "Oh, I'm fine, just a bit too overwhelmed. Ya know, with rehearsals and fans and writing and stuff like that. It all kinda caught up with me a bit." She had a very worried expression on, but she took my word for it. The others, well, let's just say if there was ever an appropriate time for them to yell "I CALL BULLSHIT", it would be now.

I stood up, legs still a tad wobbly. Damn, what she does to me. I don't know how much more I can take this. Addy smiled, seemingly recovered from my little scare. "You alright?" God, she was so nice and caring. I was barely aware of the fact I was staring at her face, her soft and pretty face. She was so pretty. "Niall?" Her voice pulled me out of my stare. The look on her face was a mixture of confusion and a tad uncomfortable. I guess she didn't like being the center of anyone's attention, or any attention really. I shook my head, metaphorically and literally clearing my thoughts out of my clouded head. "Yeah, I'm ok. I just got a bit of a headache. Nothing I can't handle." She nodded, taking my excuse for my spaceyness. "So, you're in Uni, right? What are you studying?" Her eyes brightened, she looked so adorable. "Yeah, I go to to The University of London. I'm studying to be a writer." You can tell by the way she talks about being an author she loves what she does. "We are off now, but we go back in September. So a couple months, this is my second year." I nod. God, she's so cute.

"Yeah, Steph and I took a gap year. We moved here from Indiana and backpacked across Europe for about six months. We even lived in a car for about a month! But, we came back about two months before school so we could get settled and we love it here." I barely understand a word she says, all it does is go in one ear and out the other. She is so distracting.

"Wow, that's so cool. Where did you guys go?" Her stories sound so intriguing now that I am actually concentrating on what she's saying. She is about to answer, she opens her mouth to talk, but we hear a crash from the game room. We turn to the door to the hallway. Where did everyone go? Addy shrugs like she has nothing else to do, and makes her way to the door. But before she steps through the threshold, she looks back to me and says to me, "Are you coming?"

She then holds her hand out to me, wanting me to grab it.

Oh my god, she wants me to hold her hand what do I do??

I gulp loudly as I reach out to take her hand, her warm palm soft against mine as we walk across the doorway and into the hallway. My heart speeds up to an unhealthy rate, my forehead goes sweaty, my palm feels soaked. She might notice it. She suddenly looks back to me, squeezing my hand in the process. Even with me sweating up a storm, heart pounding against my chest, and the woodpeckers tearing through my stomach lining... I have never felt so good.


A/N soooooo sooooorrrryyyy fooooorrrrr tttthhhheeeee lllooooonnnnnggggg tttiiiiimmmmmeeeee tttooooo uupppppddddaaatttteeeee. I promise it wont be as long, but I made this little chappy longer for you patient and kind folks. AND OMFG 1.5K READS I LOVE Y'ALL SO MUCH OMG I AM SO EXCITED AND GRATEFUL I never thought this story would get this big. Thank you so much :)

I won't be able to post the playlist yet but in time I will have it up so be ready when I do :)

Go look at my other stories Recknal High, Be Like You, and They Don't Know About Us. Please???

For this chapter I ask for only like 5 comments and 30 reads and I'll update straight away tomorrow ok?

Question time!!!!!

Q: What do you guys wanna be when you are older? Or even in just a year?

Love you guys a lot, see you beautiful lot on the flip side :)

-D.C. Allen

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