Harry Potter Questionnaire (Tag)

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Inspired by: LunaRavenclaw13 axgordon PaperSwans

(Note: Look at the media! It's so cute.)

What is your Ilvermorny house?

What is your Hogwarts house?
Ravenclaw! But I could be a Gryffindor as well, Ravenclaw just slightly overpowers it.

What's your house hybrid?
Gryffinclaw. I can be brave and extremely outgoing, but the last year I've been more studious and bookish.

What is your wand wood, length, and core?
Rowan wood with dragon heartstring core, 13" and slightly springy flexibility.

What is your patronus?
English Sheepdog

Favorite book?

Favorite movie?
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, most certainly.

Favorite major character and what scene made you like them?
My favorite major character is Dumbledore, and not because of a particular scene.

Favorite minor character and what scene made you like them?
Remus Lupin, but more in the Marauder era. But I also love Neville because of the movie scene in GoF when he gave Harry gillyweed and said "I've killed Harry Potter!"

Favorite subject that Hogwarts teaches?
Charms, most definitely. I think I'd be good at charms.

Favorite mode of transportation?
Probably...Hippogriff? Does that count? If not, flying car.

Favorite magic creature?
Probably a unicorn or a Demiguise.

Which magical creature would you like to have as a pet?
Bowtruckle! But that might just be because I'm currently watching FB&WTFT. But they can pick locks and are extremely cute. But I'd also love love love a Niffler.

Favorite revelation of the series?
Dumbledore's backstory was shocking.

What is your favorite theory?
The one where Lily and James are in Potions making Amortentia and they think they failed because Lily only smells James' conditioner and James only smells Lily's perfume but then they realize...

Favorite moment from the series?
I loved reading about the DA meetings.

Who's your favorite villain?

Which Deathly Hallows is your favorite?
The Invisibility Cloak? We've seen how horrible the others are and how they just make people empty inside.

Which Horcrux is your favorite?

If you could bring back any character, who would you bring back and why?
fred fred Fred FRED FRED Fred

Favorite music from the movies?
I don't know any of it except Hedwig's theme...

What's your favorite candy from the wizarding world?
Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans, hands down.

Favorite food from the wizarding world?
Pumpkin Pasties are delicious.

Favorite beverage from the wizarding world?
Butterbeer was good when I tried it! That's the only wizard drink I've had.

Favorite scene in the movies?
HANDS DOWN WHEN HARRY AND HERMIONE DANCED TO MUSIC IN THE TENT IN THE DEATHLY HALLOWS MOVIE. Also when Hermione hugged Harry in the tent before the dragons task of the Triwizard tournament & when Draco was crying in the bathroom.

Something you wish the movies didn't change about the books?
The books were so GOOD that it was hard to make them into movies, but they did a good job. We're lucky so I won't complain. Think of the Percy Jackson fandom...

I tag:


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