Chapter 1

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Let me start by giving you an intrduction of me, i always think thats best dont you agree?

My name is Lucy Findhorn and my father created Findhorn industries and i inherited the buisness when he retiered almost a year ago. Findhorn industries invests in other companies and we are a multimillion pound buisness and are known world-wide mainly for the new computer we invested in which is selling like hot cakes at the moment.

I am 28 years old and i have a son of 8 named Leo. I am not married to Leo's father as he wants nothing to do with Leo and i made this legal as he had a reputation and our events were forged through alchol and i wouldnt let him near Leo.

My mother and father are nice people, very proud of there work. I went to a private school as my parents could afford it and wanted the best education and i then went to university and started working with my dad.

I am an only child and i sometimes wish i wasnt but i never complained to much. I was brought up farely and disciplined and i had a good childhood. I was never bullied opr treated different, always equal and fair and i had a good many friends.

So theres an introduction except i forgot to mention i was a lesbian but there you go. 

I was now sitting in my car with Leo driving to a house with my mother and father in a car similar to mine driving behind us. We were of to meet my fiance who i have never met, its an arranged marriage if you havnt guessed that.

Apparently my father agreed to this before he retiered, it was said it was the last thing he done but im not sure. They knew about Leo and thought it was nice. Deep down i knew its because our buisnesses would be combined and its more publicity than anything but i love my parents to much to complain and Hey? maybe it will turn out nice and we will live happily ever after.

My driver stoped at a metal gate which had 'Hoffman House' engraved in big black letters on it. The gate made a buzzing sound as it opened and a hudge house was reveleed. It was a white mansion with gold areas for effect.

It had four gold pilars at the front and a hudge white stone path leading up to the houe that also turned to lead you away with a small grass area inbetween which had a hudge water fountain in the middle.

As we drove up i couldnt help but look at the whole place in disbelief. Yes i was rich but my parents house was never as grand as this. In our society until your married you stay with parents do arranged marriages are common,very.

A row of maids,butlers,fotmen and even the chef came out and each stood on a step leading up to the house all in a diagonal for mation. There were a man and woman around my mothers age standing side by side at the top looking down on our two parked cars.

My driver opened my door and i got out and smiled at him and Leo came out behind me, i was now self-concious of everything and very,very nervous. I looked at all the servants as i walked with my parents and Leo as we walked up the steps and they all smiled and either curtsied or bowed as we walked by.

My father shook both there hands and so did my mum and me and Leo just smiled at them and said hello.We followed them into a grand hall. It was simply hudge, it had a white and black tile floor with a yellow trim.

On the right side there was a turning staircase with a deep red carpet and a black railing. When you looked up you saw the next floor and it had a blacony with a view of down here. There were concrete statues in the hall with old paintings that were all sizes.

We walked along the hall into a double door room and it was a smaller hall with the same deep red carpet. It had a desk and a door to my left and right. We went to the left and into a round room which was painted white and had yellow couches with a table infornt of us.

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