Chapter 3

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I woke up the next morning to see it was around six and i was shattered. I looked and i saw Jordan dotting around her room "so sorry if i woke you!" she said to me as i sat up and i smiled "just a bit!" i said and she frowned and put a small case on her couch "all packed?" i asked and she nodded and took a sip of coffee which was sitting on her desk.

"quite!" she said and i smiled. I looked her over and smiled. She was in a grey pencil skirt and a deep purple blouse and black heels, her hair was now long and straight and she had changed her glasses to black ones.

She went to her closet and out on a grey jacket to go with her pencil skirt "you look very professional!" i said and she smile d"thank you!" she said and i smiled. She went over to her desk and grabbed her laptop and while doing this i got a nice view of her bum which was torture in right.

She put it in her luggage bag and thought for a moment "buisness plan!" she mumbled and i smiled, she looked rather adorable running around getting things sorted. "how did you sleep, well i hope?" she asked and i nodded "your bed is comfy i must admit!" i said and she smiled,

"our house has the same!" she said and i looked at her "our house?" i asked and she nodded "how much do you know?" she asked finally sitting in her desk chair and looking at me, her legs were crossed over and i got a view of her legs causing me to gulp slightly.

I looked back up at her and she didnt seemed fazed of me checking her legs out "i only found out the day before we met that we were getting married nothing less nothing more!" i said and she nodded,

"well we have a house which was bought by both our parents when i was say nineteen. Its farely large i know as my dads accountant and theres a trust fund for us which both parents have contributed to!" she said and i was a bit shocked,

"wow i wasnt expecting that!" i said and she nodded "yes its very generous!" she said andi nodded "very, anything else i should know about you or our future?" i asked and she thought about it "i cant think anything you want to ask?" she asked and i shook my head,

"no but if i think i shall ask, anything you want to ask me?" i asked and she smiled "when i get back i have two days, i was wondering if you would like to do something, Leo included?" she asked and i smile d"what did you have in mind?" i asked and she smiled,

"we have a boat, we went alot on it and i was wondering if i could take you both on it?" she asked and i smile d"i think that would be nice!" i said and she smiled "i shall call you while im away if thats alright?" she asked and i nodded "thats fine!" i said and she smiled,

"i wont be there at breakfast which is at eight so your free to sleep on and i have told the maids to get you and Leo fresh clothes they should be here when you wake up!" she said standing "so i shall hear from yout hen!" i said and she nodded "you will hear from me when i have a free moment!" she said taking her small luggage bag and a back pack pluss a meeting folder.

"good luck with the Qeen and Japan!" i said and she smile d"have a good week and thank you!" she said and with a smile she left and i lay back down. Leo turned and i smiled and pulled him close and fell asleep again.

I had woken again at half seven. Me and Leo were up and ready for eight. The maid had bought us clothes with money Jordan had given her, they were very nice Leo had a white shirt and black trousers with a blue jumper and i had been given some navy blue skinny jeans and a white shirt.

We went down for breakfast and my mother was there and so were Jordans parents "wheres father?" i asked and my mother smiled "just getting changed sweetie!" she said and i put butter on Leo's toast "thank you!" he said and took a bite,

"did you sleep well?" Jordans father asked and i smiled "yes thank you!" i said and he smiled "what time did Jordan get to bed?" her mother asked and i frowned "around four and she wasnt going to bed even then until i made her but im still not convinced she went to sleep!" i said and she frowned and ate her toast.

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