Chapter 2

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To say i was excited to go back to Jordans was a tad exageration. It has been two weeks since i saw her and well im still not sure what i think of her. Theres something about her that seems broken and clouded yet she has so much going for her. She never seems truely happy and as i said before everything seems so fake and not truly hearted.

Im more confused now than i was before. I think to much about it and im more confused so i tend not to think about it but its hard when she is one of the most beautiful woman you have ever seen. I could just stare into thos eyes forever they were magnificent.

Im not sure what to do, obviously i have to go but im not sure what to do emotionaly. Do i let myself fall for her, for her to not return the feelings as she doesnt believe in love or do i accept the marriage for the buisness and our families and guard myself from the feelings i will no doubt end up feeling.

So im not sure what to do so i shall have to see.

I had gotten a text from my mother saying i was to head to Jordans after work and she will pick Leo up from school. leo went to public school i didnt want him going to private school like me, theres nothing wrong with public education in my opinion.

I finished at four like always unless i had a meeting then i would finish after. I got in my car and i was driven to Jordans. It wasnt to far from my work building and i was greated by the big metal gates that shuddered open.

My car drove up the long stone path and the servants were there again and a butler at the top waiting on me instead of her parents who, no doubt are entertaining my parents and Leo. My door was opened and i thankd george and i walked up the steps.

"please follow me!" the butler said with a bow and i nodded and followed him to the same lounge we were in before "mummy!" Leo said and ran over to me and i picked him up 2hey sweetie!" i said and sat down beside my mum and Leo sat on my left.

I noticed a young man abour Jordan and I's age sitting on a single chair to my left. He had black suit trousers and a white shirt with green checks on. He had black hair and a light beard. He was a handsome man but not my type.

"hi im Jamie!" he said with a hanshake and i smile d"im Lucy!" i said and he smiled "so your the fiance then!" he said and i nodded "that would be me!" i said. He had a thick American accent that you couldnt miss when talking to him.

"Lucy this is Jordans good friend Jamie!" her mother said and i smiled "she mentioned him when we met!" i said and he smirked "im surprised but relieved in a way!" he said and i smiled. There was light chat between us all.

"wheres Jordan?" i asked and her father smiled "she's at work still, she should be home soon!" he said looking at his watch. The double doors opened and Jordan came through and i gulped. She wa sin her work clothes, a black pencil skirt and a white shirt with a matching black blazer and some black heels showing of her legs and her hair was tided back.

She looked straight faced and walked into the same room she went when her mum before mention food to get her downstairs "she's in work mode!" Jamie said looking at the door as it shut behind her. Her parents were talking amongst themselves on who was to talk to her,"she has you stubberness!" her father loudly whispered "dont you start that with me Malcom Hoffman it takes two to tango, Two.To.Tango!" her mother said and Jamie had a smirk on his face,

Her parents looked at Jamie "im not talking to her i had my head chewed of enough in university and she was just studying then!" he said and i looked at him "you want to Oxford aswell?" i asked and he nodded "yup done Buisness!" he said and i nodded,

her parents then looked at me "what me?" i asked and they nodded "i just met her and by your descriptions i dont think its wise!" i said and they sighed "why whats she like?" i asked and they all shuffled in there seat,

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