Chapter 2: Everyone Meets Part 2

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P.S Kaoru hair is now longer and mostly in a messy ponytail. Miyako's is as long as Annie's. Also excuse my terrible english ; )

Butch P.O.V


Who the......Woah she's fast, pretty good for a girl. She had raven hair like mine in a long messy ponytail. She had a yellow shirt with dark green shorts and grenn high-tops. Her eyes were a dark lime green. Odd, most people have blue, brown, red, orange, sometimes pink or yellow. Rarely any people with green eyes, in Townsville that is. Might as well........OW!

Kaoru P.O.V

"Hey didn't you hear me yell move!" I yelled. This boy looks familiar, he had forest green eyes, darker than mine, he had raven hair like mine but in a tiny ponytail on the of his head. He had a green shirt with blue jeans and black shoes.

"So no I'm sorry or are you okay?" He smirked "Usally those are questions when you run into someone." I rolled my eyes and got up and started walking away. He was following me.

"What do you want," I said stopping

"Nothing much," He said

"Then why are you following me?!" I yelled turning around

"It's not everyday a pretty girl runs into you, let alone having the same hair and eye color. Possibly the same favorite color. Green right?" He smiled

"Yeah so what," I folded my arms

"So what your stuck with me," he smiled, I wanted to smack it off his face so badly.

"Anyway I'm Kaoru."


Miyako P.O.V

That was so much fun, I love playing tennis. Oh who's that guy he's sorta cute. I started walking to the park I knew Momoko would be there at the ice cream place. Then I tripped but someone caught me.

"Are you okay?" He asked

"Yeah. Thanks I'm Miyako," I said. He had blues eyes and blond hair like mine, a white shirt with a blue button up shirt over it, blue jeans, and blue shoes.

"Hi I'm Axel and your welcome," he smiled. We started walking to the park Kaoru looks like she gonna punch one of his brothers Momo and the other were doing fine.

"Ok idiot who's who," Kaoru said annoyed

"This is my bossy older brother Jason" the raven-haired boy said pointing to the red head "And my wussy little brother Axel." Axel jabbed him the stomach

" This is my brother Jay," He smiled



"Miyako," I said then looking at Momoko "Momo what's wrong?"

"They look so familiar like the-," Her phone rang stopping her.

"Hello? She's where?! Okay.," She freaked " Guys come on Kuriko got hurt! She almost broke her leg." We started running after her. She and Kuriko got a speacil bond when her parents were almost in a divorce two years ago. From then on Kuriko was Momoko's speacil person, when she needed help or was upset Kuriko was there, that doesn't mean they don't fight anymore.

Momoko  P.O.V

She only eleven years old, Ken's age. She was just like me no one cared.

" Are you okay Momoko?," Jason asked. He ran after me first so we were like a block ahead of the others.

"No! They shouldn't bully her like that!" I said crying again "I don't want to lose her." Ever since my parents fought, Kuriko was my everything. If they got divorce who would we live with, would we even live in Townville? What was gonna happen? I remember how every night when I go downstairs my dad was on the couch or at the kitchen table. One night there was even beer bottles across the floor. My dad had never drinked before. I remember how Kuriko would always want to sleep with me, then crying that's when they started picking on her. All my memories just made me cry more. Before I knew it my face was against Jason's chest, his arms around me.

Soon we all made it to the hospital. I leaned on Jason, his hand on my shoulder. Miyako was reading magazines, Axel listening to his Ipod and blushing at Miyako. Kaoru was playing that game on her phone her older brother Dai got her into, Jay was looking over at her screen wide eyed.

"Relatives of Kuriko Akatsutsumi," the nurse said

"Yes, Momoko Akatsutsumi," I shot up " I'm her older sister." Everyone followed my into the room.Kuriko was there on the bed with a large bandage on her leg. Her orange and yellow summer dress covered in blood and dirt, Her hair dirty and messy hung down with a bow missing. "Oh my Riko! What happened?"

"Those kids pushed and kicked me," She said starting to cry again " I shouldn't have left the house." Then a knock, a  little girl with brown hair and blue eyes came in.

"Im Marissa, I saw Kuriko and wanted to make sure she was okay. My mom drove her hear," She said

"Thank you she's fine," I smiled at her.

"I found your Johnny Cosmo action figure," she said sitting on the bed

"Momo when we get home, you promised to watch the Johnny Cosmo speacil with me," She said with stars in her eyes. Soon my mom took her and Marissa home. Jason asked to walk me home, I blushed.

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