Chapter 1: Kanto Arrival

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3 years later:

Since Serena didn't have time to do things as Kalos Queen, she was unable to book a flight to Kanto until three years' time. She and Bonnie arrived at Vermillion Airport and were excited to see both Ash and Clemont again. The two took a cab and went to Pallet Town, Ash's hometown and where Clemont was residing. Serena remembered Ash's address and went to find his house. After searching for a while, she knocked on the door to see Ash's mum Delia.

"Oh hello, who might you be?" Delia greeted.

"Hi I'm Serena, the Kalos Queen" Serena introduced.

"And I'm Bonnie, Lumiose's Gym Leader's younger sister" Bonnie added.

"Well come on in, Mimey was making some tea and I'm sure you two would like to join" Delia exclaimed.

The two girls went in and were greeted by a Mr. Mime who was making some tea. They found Pikachu on the couch and when he saw them, he ran up to Bonnie and nuzzled her. Serena was thinking about Ash after seeing his trusty companion and decided to ask about him.

"Mrs, Ketchum, do you know where Ash is?" Serena asked.

"He told me that he went on another adventure" Delia answered.

"If he's going on another adventure then why didn't he bring Pikachu with him?" Serena questioned.

"He told me not to tell anyone as it was to be kept a secret" Delia explained.

Serena just sat there very confused as to why Ash would be on an adventure and not take his most trusted partner with him. She decided to wait for his journey to end and then apologise to him. Bonnie on the other hand couldn't wait to see her brother again as she hasn't seen him in a while. Delia turned on the TV and the news was on talking about a war happening in Hoenn that the Kanto military are a part of.

In the war:

Ash, Andrew, Clemont, Drake and Jack were in the war that took place in Hoenn. Ash was ranked to Major-General, Andrew was ranked to Lieutenant-General, Drake was ranked to Brigadier, Clemont was ranked to Lieutenant-Colonel and Jack was ranked to Colonel. They each had their guns ready and were walking through the water near the shore. Soldiers were charging through and shots were being fired around. It was total chaos.

"Andrew, what's the plan?" Ash asked.

"We'll try to run as fast as we can while Drake takes out some of the enemies" Andrew explained, "Once he's done, we'll infiltrate the base and see their plans"

"I'm ready to snipe" Drake confidently said.

The soldiers then started charging as Drake shot the enemies from far distances. They had to ram a lot of people down and they somehow dodged all the bullets. The five of them were confused as to why the enemies weren't trying their best in fighting back. They all arrived at the enemy base only to realise that someone was missing.

"Wait, where's Clemont?" Jack asked in an Australian accent.

"I'm here" Clemont said tiredly in a short distance.

"And you'd expect him to run faster after the training" Andrew stated.

"He never really developed" Drake pointed out.

They then sped through the inside of the base and searched through many areas of the place. Going through offices, meeting rooms, storage rooms etc. As soon as they made it to the main room, they found a bunch of papers that were plans they made. Ash and Andrew looked through them and realised that the war was a setup and the real threat will be in Kanto. The alarm started blaring noises and Andrew grabbed his walkie talkie to notify the Field Marshall.

"Field Marshall Gettsworth" Andrew cried.

"What is it Lieutenant-General?" F. M. Gettsworth asked in a Scottish accent.

"The army needs to retreat, this was a set up" Andrew explained, "The real threat will happen in Kanto"

Just then, explosions were heard in the distance and the base was on self-destruct mode. The five had no time to run so they couldn't escape. The base exploded destroying many things around it leaving no traces of the five heroes. Field Marshall Gettsworth told everyone to retreat and many have died and got injured in the war. Gettsworth was unhappy that he lost his five best men in the explosion of the base and everyone ran back to the ships. To be continued.

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