Chapter 3: The Attack

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Ash, Andrew, Drake, Jack and Clemont have been training for three whole days and have gotten them ready for the attack. They were one day away from arriving in Kanto and taking down the enemy. Ash was excited not only to defeat the enemies, but to see Serena again. Beforehand, Andrew contacted Barry and made him keep a secret about their whereabouts. He told them about the attack and Barry said he will get the Marines ready before their arrival.

"After 22 hours, we will be back in Kanto near my lab" Andrew exclaimed.

"Yeah, and if Serena is there, I can't wait to come back and confess to her" Ash added.

"And when the enemies attack, we'll have enough time to stop them" Drake said confidently.

A few hours later, back in Kanto

Serena, Bonnie and Dawn watched as Barry and the other Marines set up nearby the shoreline of Kanto. They were all confused and all Barry told them was that the attack that F.M. Gettsworth told everyone was soon. The Army was too injured to battle so they had to sit on the side and let the Marines do the work.

"So you're telling me that the attack that F.M. Gettsworth told us a while back is happening?" Serena exclaimed.

"That's correct, I was notified that they are nearing by" Barry explained.

"I hope the Marines will be able to take them down" Bonnie said confidently.

"Barry, before you go, I want to tell you that I will always love you" Dawn exclaimed.

"Don't worry Dawn, I will come back in one piece" Barry informed.

Barry then went off to the rest of the Marines. As they watched closely by the shoreline, they noticed a bunch of giant robots. The Marines realised that it was the enemies and they had highly advanced technology with them. There were giant robots with laser turrets, flying ships with laser artillery and mechanical soldiers with laser guns (picture the Empire from Star Wars). The Marines fired their attacks but it did very little damage to them.

"Why aren't we doing anything?" Marine Commander Johnson questioned.

"It seems they have a lot stronger artillery with them" A Marine soldier pointed out.

"Fire in the missiles" Com. Johnson called out.

Missiles were fired towards the enemy but it barely did much damage to them. The enemies started firing lasers at them and the Marines were being taken down. The Marines quickly got up and started retreating back. The enemies got closer and started attacking the land and parts of buildings were being destroyed. Serena, Bonnie and Dawn got very scared and Barry was still running as fast as he could.

Back on the ship

Andrew was watching the attack through binoculars, he was shocked about their highly advanced artillery and warned the others. He told the others and the five soldiers asked Cynthia if they could get to Kanto quicker. Cynthia said that there was an emergency fuel that could be used to make the ship go faster. She got all the special fuel, which were presto logs, and threw them into the fuel burner and the ship was going a lot faster. They were able to get back to Kanto after an hour and the five ran to Andrew's lab.

"What do you have at your lab that can help?" Clemont asked.

"I have an army for a special occasion" Andrew answered.

As they arrived at the lab, the five went through the place they needed to go and get ready.

Where the attack is taking place

Trees were being destroyed and areas were getting blasted. Serena, Bonnie, Barry and Dawn were on the run as they were being chased by a few mechanical soldiers. They would've died if the enemy's soldiers didn't have terrible aim like a Stormtrooper. A bunch of the Marines soldiers were getting injured and killed due to how highly advance the enemy is.

"How can the enemy be this highly advanced?" Serena questioned while running.

"Field Marshall Gettsworth told me that they weren't doing their best during the war" Barry explained, "They must've saved this for a certain time"

"I wish big brother was here, he could've invented a way of escaping" Bonnie exclaimed.

"If only we had highly advanced weaponry with us" Dawn cried.

The four kept on running until they were surrounded by many mechanical soldiers. Every single one of them pointed their laser guns at them. Serena couldn't do anything and just waited for her death to come until something happened. To be continued.

Hey guys, sorry for the cliffhanger and sorry for the short chapter. I was really excited for this part as it's near the end of this book. Thank you for reading and I'll see you in the next chapter. Cheerio everyone.

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