Chapter 2: Missing

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A week after the war in Hoenn, the Kanto Army was coming back from the war while the Kanto Marines were arriving in Pallet Town just now. Everyone in Pallet Town was waiting for the soldiers to come back and the Marines came first.

"Hi there, you excited to see the Marines?" A blue haired girl asked.

"Yeah, I'm Serena by the way" Serena greeted.

"My name's Dawn, and my boyfriend is in the Marines" Dawn stated.

"Really, I wonder if anyone else is in the military that I know" Serena wondered.

"Probably, I know a few who joined that might know you" Dawn exclaimed.

Serena thought about it and shrugged it off watching all the soldiers arrive. The Kanto Army were nearby as soon as the Marines walked out of the ship. One Marine Soldier with blonde hair came running towards Dawn and the two hugged each other.

"Barry, I missed you so much" Dawn exclaimed.

"I missed you too Dawn, it was hard being away from you" Barry replied.

When Serena heard this, she thought about Ash and the fact that she hasn't seen him in a long time. In her thoughts, she was sad about leaving Ash when she could've been with him for the rest of her life. Serena's trail of thoughts was interrupted by Barry.

"Hello, you must be Serena and Bonnie" Barry greeted.

"Yeah, how do you know?" Bonnie questioned.

"I knew Ash when I was travelling through Sinnoh and he told me about his journey through Kalos with Clemont when we net again" Barry explained.

"What did Ash say about me?" Serena asked.

"He told me he developed feelings for you but when he left, he was sad every time he mentioned you" Barry answered.

"It's all my fault, I shouldn't have rejected his offer" Serena said in the verge of tears.

"Don't worry Serena, I'm sure he'll be happy to see you again" Bonnie stated.

Just as she said that, the Kanto Army soldiers were getting of the ship. Field Marshall Alan Gettsworth walked up to the podium that was set up for him. He began speaking.

"I was told that the war was a set up and that we had to retreat" F.M. Gettsworth started, "We have lost many lives during this war"

People were murmuring about who could've died and what the actual war is.

"The real threat is going to be in Kanto as I was told and as we were retreating, we lost some of our best men" F.M. Gettsworth explained, "We lost Lieutenant-General Andrew Turing, Brigadier Drake Malcolm, Colonel Jack Shimp, Lieutenant-Colonel Clemont Sparks and Major-General Ash Ketchum"

As soon as Serena heard Ash's name, she realised that his adventure was the war the Kanto Army went to. Hearing the fact that Ash is most likely dead caused her tear up and she ran back to the Ketchum's house. Bonnie, Barry and Dawn went chasing after her and once they arrived, they found her on the couch crying.

"Serena, don't cry" Dawn said comforting Serena.

"How can I, I lost the only person I loved and now I won't see him ever again" Serena cried.

"I'm sad that Clemont isn't here but it doesn't mean that they're dead, they might be out there" Bonnie informed, "Would Ash want you to give up right now?"

"You're right, I won't cry anymore" Serena exclaimed wiping tears off her face, "I'm going to not give up on Ash and hope he's still alive"

In the middle of the sea:

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