Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

Sofia packed up the last box and loaded it onto the moving truck and looked at her beautiful little home for the last time. So many memories. Some good, some bad, and some downright horrible. Her heart ached and her head pounded but no matter how she felt, the house did not belong to her. Never did. Never will.

"Are you sure you want to leave this place?" asked her best friend Judy with concern.

"I honestly wasn't given a choice. It's not my house. My parents want me out," replied Sofia in a sad voice and changed the subject. "Just so you know, I hired a lawyer and Lucian will be served with divorce papers later on today."

Judy looked at her best friend and knew she was upset. "Are you sure this is what you want? I know what Lucian did was wrong, but running away from him and your feelings isn't going to change things."

Sofia looked around at the emptiness and felt the same inside. With shaky steps, she walked towards the kitchen counter, lifted her purse and keys and made her way towards the front door. "Lucian was wrong on so many levels it's absurd."

Judy turned her best friend to face her and took both Sofia's hands in hers. "Sof, I know Lucian and I know you. There is no other man like him."

"That's good to know," said Sofia in a tired voice. "I don't think the world could handle another Lucian Wolffe."

"Does he know you're moving?"

"Nope. I haven't talked to him since early Sunday morning. All his calls have gone straight to voicemail."

"I can't believe it's been three days already. You are aware that he's not going to divorce you. Right?"

"Nope. He probably won't," replied Sofia as the two of them walked outside in the cold November air.

Judy zippered up her jacket and rubbed her hands together to warm them up. "You're still planning on having Thanksgiving with my family, right?"

Sofia smiled bright, "As long as Lucian won't be there."

Judy looked at her best friend and just as she was about to speak, she was interrupted.

"Pardon me Miss Drivas," called one of the movers. "We're ready to roll."

"Great," said Sofia in a monotone voice. "I'll lead the way."

"Wait for me," called Judy as she finished sending a text message and headed for Sofia's Range Rover.

With a heavy heart, Sofia put the car in drive and looked at her cute little stone house for the last time. She raised her left hand and wiped away a stray tear and frowned. "I swore I wouldn't be upset but I was wrong."

"I'm sorry Sof," Judy whispered. "Have you spoken to your parents?"

"Yes. They're not taking the news well hence the reason I had to move out."

"Wait. How did they find out? Did you tell them?" asked Judy in a shocked voice.

Sofia folded her hands across her chest and sobbed, "My big mouth, trouble making cousin Demetrius told them. Ready for the kicker?" asked Sofia in a dejected voice. "MY family does not believe in divorce and absolutely refuse to listen to anything I have to say about what happened."

"Ouch. I never liked your cousin Demetrius."

"Me either. He's the family rat."

"As if this was your fault," groaned Judy shaking her head and rolling her eyes. "What's wrong with your family?"

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