-Chapter 2-

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Fareeha put on her red jacket and opened the door, feeling the cool air hit her face. It's finally Saturday, she's been looking forward to this concert all week. She stepped out of her house and was on her way to the concert.

Angela was on her way to the concert as well. The last time she could recall going to a concert was 1 year ago, when she went on a date with Fareeha. The thought about their past relationship made her feel complex. It was like a mixture of sadness and loneliness. Angela hates to admit it, but she does miss Fareeha. "I shouldn't think about her right now, I'm on my way to a concert, I should be happy". She thought to herself.

Fareeha scanned across the crowd, trying to find her friends. She then felt someone tap on her shoulder and a familiar voice saying "Boop".

"Hey Sombra!" Fareeha turned her head to see her friend smiling. "Where's Tracer and the others?" She asked. "This is such a big crowd, even I can't find them," Sombra explained "I could try texting them but they probably wouldn't notice their phone buzzing."

"Oh, well maybe we should split up and try to find them, we'll meet up by the restroom afterwards, it's calmer there." Fareeha suggested. Sombra nodded in agreement and they both split up, searching the crowd for their friends.

Fareeha searched for awhile but it seemed hopeless. Someone did grab her attention though. Out in the crowd, she could see Angela, her ex girlfriend. Fareeha' face instantly flustered and she quickly hid in the crowd, which wasn't too difficult to do. "I hope she didn't see me." She said to herself.

Fareeha doesn't like thinking about her past relationship, it only makes her frustrated, but she does occasionally think about Angela. Ok maybe not occasionally, she thinks about her a lot. "Why do I see her now, out of any moment?" She thinks to herself.

Fareeha ignores the encounter and continues her search for her friends and finally finds them. "Fareeha! We were looking all over for you." Tracer exclaimed. "I was looking all over for you too." She replied. Sombra spots them and runs towards them with a smirk on her face.

"Hey Tracer! Where's everyone else?" She asked. "They're showing up late." Tracer explained. Fareeha raised her eyebrows in confusion. "Sombra, why are you smirking like that?" She asked.

"Guess who I spotted in the crowd?" Sombra asked. Tracer and Fareeha were confused. Sombra pointed to a woman standing by herself with noticeably long blonde hair. Fareeha's face turned red and she tried to hide herself. "Sombra, don't you dare plan anything funny." She said. "Relax, I'm not gonna mess with you guys, but really it's been one year since you talked to her." Sombra said. "Yeah, are you really planning to ignore her forever?" Tracer asked.

"No. It's just that now is not the right time" Fareeha replied. Tracer and Sombra rolled their eyes. "You always say that." Sombra said. "You know, now is the perfect time to talk to her." Tracer pointed out. Just as she said that- Lucio appeared on the stage. He started playing his music and Fareeha was grateful. It's too loud for people to talk to each other, so she's got an excuse for now.

The loud, upbeat music and the cheering of the crowd made Fareeha forget about her previous conversation. Everyone was having fun, until the power cut out. Lucio looked around the stage, confused about what happened. The music must've been too loud because no one really noticed the thunder until the power went out. A lot of people in the crowds starting booing.

"But the forecast today guaranteed clear skies." Tracer said. Everyone's cheerful mood suddenly shifted to upset ones. "Well this sucks." Sombra replied. The storm got worse and there was a lot of heavy rain, so Lucio had to cancel his show. Tracer and Sombra rushed home, while Fareeha stayed there for awhile, her eyes scanning the crowd for someone.

She finally spotted Angela, who was the person she was looking for. Angela didn't have an umbrella, or anything to protect her from the rain so Fareeha ran towards Angela. She wasn't really thinking clearly, maybe helping Angela was just out of instinct for her.

"Uh, hey Angela, you can use my jacket to cover you from the rain." Fareeha said.

Angela quickly jolted up, surprised from hearing that familiar voice. She hadn't heard that voice in a year, but she could never forget it. A simple "Thank you" was all that Angela could manage to say.

"Crap, I'm probably making things awkward" Fareeha thought to herself.

One year. They haven't spoken to each other in one year. Fareeha doesn't know why, but she suddenly built up enough courage to stop this from continuing. She didn't want things to be this way. She doesn't want Angela to not be a part of her life anymore.

Angela felt the same way.

Fareeha offered to walk Angela home. They didn't talk much on their way there, the tension between them was too awkward. "It's funny," Angela thought to herself, "That I used to be so comfortable talking to her and telling her everything, but now my mind is so blank."

A lot of things do change over a year.

Author's Note: I know, Pharah's interaction with Mercy was a little too rushed and sudden, I'm not the best at writing. Next chapter will explain why they broke up so stay tuned if you'd like to know ;)
Also, this will be a slow book, so the build up toward their relationship will be slow, I don't want to rush it

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