-Chapter 3-

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"Well, guess we're here." Fareeha said. The rain slowed down while they were on the way to Angela's house, but it was still pouring a lot.

Angela finally felt comfortable enough to talk. "Thanks..Fareeha. It's raining too hard out here, you can stay at my place until the storm stops." Angela suggested. Fareeha thanked her and they both stepped into her house.

Fareeha awkwardly sat on the couch, unsure what to do.

"I've got a question." Angela said, trying to break the silence. "Why did you just randomly walk up to me like that? We haven't talked to each other in a year, the way you approached me was just so abrupt." She said.

Fareeha looked at the floor, trying her best to avoid eye contact. "I'm sorry if that bothered you, I just wanted to help." She replied.

Angela sighed, "No, it's alright. Thank you for helping me." She said. They sat there for awhile, the house was full of silence, with only the sound of rain hitting the floor outside.

Angela suddenly got out of her seat and went to the kitchen, grabbing some food. Fareeha was kind of relieved that she left the room, she felt so nervous near her. Fareeha pulled out her phone, trying to take her mind off of this whole situation.

She accidentally dropped her phone though, so she bent down to pick it up but while doing so, her eyes spotted something familiar. It was a small teddy bear holding a little heart. Fareeha pulled it out from under the couch and spotted a little letter.

"After all this time, she still kept my old gift for her?" She questioned to herself. Fareeha's eyes welled up a bit, this old thing really did give back memories.


It was an extremely snowy day. Children outside were singing and cheering. Parents were frantically looking around for presents to buy. Festive lights lit the streets to celebrate Christmas. Today was Christmas Eve.

Fareeha was at Angela's house, she was helping her decorate the place with festive lights. After they finished, Fareeha sat on the couch and took a good look around the place, the lights really did give life to this small house.

Angela sat beside her and hugged her. "Fareeha, you seemed a little sad earlier today." She said with concern. "What do you mean? How can I be sad on a day like this?" Fareeha lied.

She really was sad. Yesterday was the anniversary of her grandfather's death (this obviously isn't canon, just making things up). Fareeha never liked mentioning the sad parts about her life with Angela, she didn't want to stress her about it. This always made Angela upset though, all she wants to do is be there for Fareeha during her sad moments in life.

"Fareeha, I know you're lying," Angela said, "Listen, i know I shouldn't get into your personal business but I want you to know that I'm here for you. Whatever you're going through, I'm here to comfort you."

Fareeha looked away from Angela's eyes and gave out a frustrated sigh. She always lied to Angela. Angela never hesitates to tell Fareeha about her problems because she knows she'll always be there to comfort her, but Fareeha had a different mindset. She hardly let's Angela know anything about her personal life, because she always feared it'd stress Angela out.

Fareeha finally turned her head back towards Angela, and looked at her sorrowful eyes. Fareeha was always full of guilts and regrets. She's always keeping secrets from Angela but she felt like their relationship shouldn't be like this, it isn't healthy. So she manned up and blurted out everything.

She told Angela about every single aspect of her life that made her sad and stressed out, it was a lot to take in. Fareeha was right, all this information did stress Angela out but she hugged her and said "I'm here for you."

Fareeha cried, she always kept everything to herself, she never told anyone about her problems. She didn't want to bother anyone with them. Angela kissed Fareeha and kept trying to comfort her. Eventually, Fareeha stopped crying and thanked Angela for putting up with this.

"It does feel nice to let all my feelings out." Fareeha admitted. Mercy nodded and hugged her tightly, wishing to never let go.

They cuddled and Fareeha felt happy that she could be comfortable enough to tell Angela about all her problems, and for Angela to be there to help her through them.

"From now on, I won't keep secrets, I don't want you to feel like I don't trust you." Fareeha said. Mercy smiled and kissed her. They laughed and told each other stories until they fell asleep under the beautiful Christmas lights of Angela's small house.

-End of Flashback-

Angela walked into the living room to check on Fareeha and gave out a small gasp. She spotted Fareeha holding her old Christmas present.

Angela slowly approached, unsure of what to say. Fareeha smiled a little. "After all this time, you've still kept it?" She asked. Angela gave out a small laugh, "Yeah..why wouldn't I."

Fareeha and Angela quietly stood there, and looked at each other. The sound of the rain was the only noise they could hear. The silence gave off a certain vibe that they couldn't describe. Their faces slowly leaned towards each other as if they were in a trance.

Their faces were barely an inch away from each other and their lips nearly touched, but Angela quickly snapped out of it and pulled back.

"I'm sorry...I can't.." Angela said. Her eyes were tearing up and her voice was trembling. "N-not after all that's... happened," she added on, "I don't deserve you."

Fareeha didn't know what to do, after one year of not talking to Angela, she finally meets her but this is not the way she'd imagine things to end up. She always hated seeing Angela cry, a person like her doesn't ever deserve to feel hurt. Fareeha hugged Angela and let out a deep breathe.

Everything's so different now, and they've both lost hope on fixing their bond.

Author's Note: That concludes this chapter! I'm sorry I couldn't tell why they broke up, it just didn't seem like the right time to explain. This story is really bad, I'm extremely sorry, it's my first story here so it's not the best but I really hope that you enjoy it! Please leave reviews and some criticism, I'm always aiming for improvement!

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