-Chapter 4-

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"It's not your fault." Fareeha told Angela. Angela looked off to the floor, but then she shifted her gaze into Fareeha's eyes. She remembered how safe she felt whenever she looked into her eyes.

Angela hugged her tightly and tried her best not to cry. "So much has changed," She said, "I'm sorry, I've probably hurt you so much."


"Hey my angel~" Fareeha said with an overly enthusiastic voice. She rushed into Angela's house, forgetting to close the door.

Angela rolled her eyes and laughed, closing the door. "You seem happy today, what's up?" She asked. Fareeha hugged Angela and let out a big smile.

"I've got offered a big business opportunity!" She exclaimed. Angela smiled, "Oh that's great! What's it for?" She asked.

Fareeha works as a detective, although she's fairly new, she's proven herself as a good one.

"There's this special case that they've given me and a few others to work on. It's about this criminal, but I'm not really allowed to give out much information about him," Fareeha explained, "Since he's suspected to be living around this city, I've been given the opportunity to help the others solve this case. We've got lots of evidence so far, but we've figured out the criminal moved to another state, guess he realized that we were following his tracks-" Fareeha stopped talking and blushed. "Sorry, I'm rambling too much ."

Angela laughed and hugged her. "It's alright, I love hearing your voice," She said, "And based on what you're telling me, I'm assuming your going to the state he's in to investigate?"

Fareeha looked to the floor and sighed. "Yeah, I've never gotten to do a case like this before, I'm really excited but... I'll be gone for a few weeks, maybe even a month."

Angela smiled and laid her hands on Fareeha's cheeks. "Hey, don't give up this opportunity, a month doesn't seem too long." Angela said.

Fareeha smiled and kissed Angela. "I'll miss you." She whispered softly. Angela
returned the kiss and gave out a small chuckle. "You make it sound like we're splitting up." Angela said.

For the next few days, they spent a lot of time together, until it was finally time for Fareeha to leave.

Angela was at home, finishing some files for work. She stared at the clock in anticipation. Every click of the clock made her feel more excited. Finally, it was 11:00 PM. She heard her phone ringing, and she quickly answered.

"Hey, my angel~" Fareeha greeted in an excited voice. At 11:00 PM, Fareeha would FaceTime Angela and they'd just talk until her break was over.

"Who's your angel?" Tracer asked, holding in her laugh. "My angel? That's so cheesy." Zarya said. Fareeha let out a small chuckle. Tracer and Zarya were her friends and fellow detectives that were also working on the case.

"So, how's the case going?" Angela asked. Fareeha sighed, "We've got some clues but none of them lead to anything." She replied. They talked for a little longer, but then Fareeha's break ended. Time always seemed to speed up whenever she talked to Angela.

"I'm telling you, it's been 2 weeks and we still don't have any big leads." Zarya said. "We shouldn't give up though." Fareeha replied. "I know, what kind of detective gives up so easily?" Zarya said.

"I'm starting to have a feeling that the criminal baited us here so we would lose track of him." Tracer theorized.

"I've had that feeling too, that's why we've got some others to keep an eye out around his place and to contact us immediately if that's the case." Fareeha replied.

A few days passed by and it was 11:00 PM. Fareeha grabbed her phone, and called Angela.
There was no reply.

"That's strange.." She thought to herself. "Maybe she's just busy from work."

Fareeha couldn't help but worry. She waited a few minutes and called her again. Still, there was no reply.

"She's just busy...right?"

The next day, Fareeha called Angela again, but there was still no reply.

Then she called the next day, and the day after that. Each time she did, she never got a reply.

Author's Note: That concludes this chapter! I have zero knowledge about detectives so this was really poorly written, I apologize, and I'm leaving this chapter on a cliffhanger ;)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2017 ⏰

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