chapter 13: love triagle???

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Jenna POV

* I wake up *

*I go to bathroom to take a bath and get ready and put a sticky note at my study table that I have a date tonight with John*

* I go down and eat breakfast while saying in mind*

"Yeah maybe this is it maybe I have to accept this fact that me and John are getting married" speaking in mind and someone called me

"JENNA!! " Darrel scream

* I immediately finish breakfast and go out*

"Sorry if I take too long " I apologize

" No it's fine " Darrel said

* We go to school already and I leave Darrel*

"Darrel maybe next time I have to do business whole day " I said while smiling

"Oh sure " Darrel waves to me

* I go find John and I see him walking in the halls *

" JOHN !! " I scream while smiling and run to him and smile to him and wink

* I can see John shock at my moves *

"What are you doing ugly did something happened to you did you hurt your head or you became freak" John said

"No I'm not " I said

*And I see him hand is on bandage *

"John what happen in your hands " I said worried and hold him hands

* I see John really shock and almost him jaw drop at my moves*

"How did you hurt you self " I said worried

" None of your business " John said annoyed

" What none did you're forget im your fiancee " I said

* John shock and him mouth open a bit and he gulp *

" Oh by the way we have a date tonight " he said fast

" I know " I said and wink to him and wave

John POV

*I was walking to hall to go to class and some one just called my name out loud *

" JOHN!! " Jenna scream and run to me and wink

* Wait what Jenna did she just wink to me what happening oh my heart is beating faster that normal *

"What happen to you ugly did you hurt you head " I said

"No I'm not " she said

* And she see my bandage at hand and I just shock and my heart beats become more faster when she hold my hand my jaws almost drop*

"How did you hurt yourself" she asked

*What did she also care to me too now? *

"None of your business" I said

"What none of my business did you forget I'm your fiancee" she said

* What did she just said she my fiancee my heart almost get out of my chest when she said it it also cause my mouth open a bit when she say it*

"Oh by the way we have date tonight" I said fast

"I know " she said and wink to me and she waves

* I left being shock standing there *

"What did just happened why is she doing that is she wants to me to have heart attack"I said in mind and just walk to my class

Darrel POV

*Well when Jenna leave me I can't hold myself back being left and I follow Jenna and I see Jenna scream and run to John and they talk and Jenna looks like so happy and she winks to John and they not notice me*

"Yeah of course they getting married next month I mean fews weeks from now on yeah I know it's obvious on Jenna face when we are on detention and now there's a proof" I said in mind while my eyes becomes watery

* I just ran to mens bathroom*

"Of course Darrel your just a friend it's not like she loves you I mean you just one sided love Darrel you need to let her go Darrel " I talk to my self in mirror while crying

"But why why can't she just love me I mean I know her for the long time than that John " I said while​ crying

*I exhale and remove any proof that I cry and go to my class*

To be continue.....

Hi guys if you notice this is the longest chapter I made so far well it's takes me about an hour to make I hope you enjoy it and the chapter is 660 words so far

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