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I am so sorry this is so long over due! Hope you like it though! Please don't be mad at me! ~Hatter

No prov

As the boys fly being led by Brick everyone looks confused when he stops in mid air and he looks around. Brick then points at an abandoned observatory that Mojo once used. (Yes I incorporated the original series where Mojo lived)

"That's where they are," Brick says with his voice cracking at all the memories.

"Brick are you sure?" Boomer asks remembering Mojo and how he would take care of them.

Brick's prov

We arrive at the observatory and land on the green grass. We look at it sadly remembering Mojo, but this is not a path down memory lane we need to find the girls but the observatory is huge so we have no time to waste.

"Okay boys we are going in but remember Blade doesn't play fair so be on your guard!" I say.

"Let's just hurry this up Butterfly is counting on us to save them!" Butch exclaims.

"Alright let's go!" Boom says while taking out his katana.

As we ready our weapons we enter the observatory carefully. I then decided it's better if we split up so I take the lower part of the lab where Mojo created us. As I walk past the chamber my brothers and I were held it I see a photo near it with all of us smiling at the camera. Mojo was even smiling and then I feel a wetness stream across my cheek and I realize I am crying. Mojo gave us a life and a chance to live with no regrets now we are even like the girls... human. The word still feels foreign but it's very true and we are happy.

When we heard about the girls still being in town we immediately got going and got ready to move. We then came to New Townsville we came to be with them...

But all we do is put them in danger...

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