Power Man

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Note: Strong language used. Read further at your own risk.

       “Help! Somebody please help!” a woman's voice echoed through his ear, waking Power Man up from his afternoon nap. He wiped off the drool from the corner of his mouth. He knew that the woman needed his help, he was Power Man after all! He wasn't called ‘Statham City’s Most beloved Hero’ for no reason. He got up from his bed, his bones making a cracking sound in the process. “Ow!” he cried in pain, but he ignored it. The woman needed his help! He must rescue her!
        Power Man walked up to his closet filled with superhero costumes. They all looked the same; bright yellow with some red around the ends of the sleeves. He loved his costume, but it was incredibly tight, especially now. He took a deep breath, sucking his tummy in. With some difficulty, he finally managed to wear his superhero costume. He was ready to save the day!     
        Power Man stumbled on his way towards his high rise apartment window and fearlessly jumped out. It looked as though an eagle was gliding through the sky, effortlessly. Power Man was proud of his flying skills, they hadn't faded. Using his ultra sensitive hearing, he found the woman two blocks away.


         Power Man landed on the ground, feeling a little dizzy. His superhero landing was much weaker and unimpressive. He looked around for the woman, but all he saw was a goon lying on his back on the road, unconscious. “Where did the woman go?” asked Power Man, to no one in particular. “You're too late, oldie!” a deep voice answered from the back. It was Justice Man, a young lad in his twenties, with special super powers just like him. “Why don't you go back to your little lonely home and enjoy your retirement, huh? You're so fucking old, man! What are you, like, 250 years old?” he said menacingly. “You can barely walk straight, you're hunched over and you're slow as hell! Nobody needs you now, man. Go away! Shoo! Superhero? More like Super Grandpa!” he continued amidst laughter from the crowd.
         Well, he wasn't wrong and Power Man knew it. He knew that his knees weren't as strong as before, his eyesight was weaker than ever. His power of mind control had vanished. He didn't even know if his rage-filled fire breathing power was intact or not, because he always arrived late at crime spots. He couldn't find out if his favorite super power still worked because he didn't get angry anymore. If sadness, loneliness and depression were superpowers, Power Man would have been the best superhero Statham City has ever known!
        “Can you even hear me, ya old loser? Or have you lost your hearing too?” Justice Man shouted, snapping him out of his thoughts. A big crowd had gathered on the street watching all of this unfold. Power Man knew that this was it. He couldn't face the people of Statham City anymore. Power Man turned around, preparing to disappear into oblivion. That's when he saw something…
        The sky broke apart and a huge six-legged creature descended from it. It had millions of sharp teeth and a giant mouth which could swallow hundreds of humans at a time. The creature shrieked loudly, shaking buildings and shattering their glasses. It landed on the ground with a thunderous thud, creating huge blobs of gooey green slime all around it.
         “Fuck!” screamed Justice Man as he prepared to battle a monster for the first time ever. Justice Man shot out laser beams from his eyes but the monster didn't budge. He also picked up an empty car and threw it towards the monster. Nothing. It didn't move an inch. “Shit! I never thought I'd have to fight an actual monster, man! I thought Statham City only had robberies and kidnappings! I'm out!” he cried as he fled the scene.
          Power Man looked at the destruction the monster was causing with tears in his eyes. You are old and weak. You are useless. You're no superhero! You're powerless! He heard the voices in his head get stronger and stronger.
        “Power Man! Power Man! Listen to me!” an old woman cried out from across the street. “You've served this city for years. Justice Man is a sham. The people of Statham City need you now more than ever! You're strong and powerful, just like yo-!”


       She was gone. Ruthlessly eaten by the monster. Power Man felt anger rising within him. For the first time in quite some time, he was furious. ‘YOU CANNOT DO THIS TO MY CITY, NOT ON MY WATCH!’ he roared as he flew straight towards the creature. He stopped right in front of his ugly face. It tilted its head in confusion. “Ready to be fried, motherfucker?” Power Man asked as he breathed fire from his mouth and roasted the monster's brain in an instant.


         The hideous monster fell flat on the ground spilling green goo everywhere, and out came the people he had swallowed. Apart from being covered in smelly vomit, everyone was alright. They thanked Power Man for saving their lives and cursed Justice Man for being a scaredy cat.
     “Don't thank me! Thank this beautiful lady here, who motivated me. Remember kids, don't put anyone down. You might be surprised to know what they're actually capable of!” Power Man said to them with a smirk and flew off.
     Statham City needed him after all, they just had to be reminded of it.

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