Curse (C.R)

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Im a massive fan of the walking dead. So when it was announced that Chandler riggs who plays carl in the show was coming to my school I couldnt beleive it I was so excited that I would finally get to meet him.

Now here I am inside school waiting for Chandler to arrive for his first day. Everyone else is waiting outside but sadly I suffer from anxiety so standing in a large public crowd waiting for a celebrity to show up and probably judge me isnt something I exactly want to do, even if it is Chandler Riggs my favourite actor of all time. I wish I could just overcome my anxiety but it isnt as simple as that, granted I have some days that are better than others but overall anxiety is just like a curse that has such a tight grasp on me I cant escape. So here I was alone huddled into the back corner of my homeroom reading a book, hoping noone would notice me.

I sighed as I heard the screams of the fangirls approaching our homeroom, soon the door opened and a mass of students and the teacher flooded in. I continued to hide behind my book in the corner and hoped that noone would sit next to me and it seemed my wish was granted as noone approached the desk I was sat at.

After everyone was seated I put my book down and our homeroom teacher, Mr Morris, began to read out the school notices but soon his voice seemed to fade into the background as I started to day dream about nothing in paticular.

Soon I was snapped out of my thoughts as the head teacher, Mrs Gray walked in. "Hello everyone a new student will be joining your homeroom today" she said as a familiar figure walked in. It was chandler Riggs. "Hi"  Chandler said waving and smiling. The fan girls started to scream his name and try to get his attention and I couldnt help but notice that Chandler seemed very uncomfortable with the girls surrounding him.

"Everybody back to your seats in silence please" Mr Morris shouted calming the girls down. Chandler just kind of stood awkwardly at the front as he didnt know were to sit. "Welcolme Chandler, why dont you go and sit in the back near (Y/N)" Mr Morris said gesturing towards me and I gave him a shy smile. I was so excited that chandler was going to sit next to me but I was also worried what he would think of me im ugly, fat and im basically the geek of the school.

"Hi" Chandler said as he sat down next to me.

"H-hi im (Y/N)" I stuttered back shyly.

"Can I ask you a question?" He asked as if he was doubting whether to say it.
" You just did" I said jokingly as I started to get a bit more comfortable around him.

He chuckled before saying "What makes you so different?"

"What do you mean?" I questioned curiously.

"Well your the only person thats acted , well,  normal around me since ive got here, everyone else just seems to have a need to get my attention all the time. So what makes you different? Why arent you begging for my attention like everyone else?" He replied.

"I mean im a massive fan of the walking dead and your an amazing actor but you seemed really uncomfortable up there with everyone surrounding you so I decided to just be less of a problem and leave you alone so you could get on with your day, too bad the rest of the school couldnt do the same."

"Thank you for understanding that I dont want to be overcrowded with crazy fangirls all the time, it means alot" Chandler said smiling and I smiled back.

A comfortable silence then fell between the two of you before Chandler spoke " You seem really cool, do you want to hang out with me and a couple of my friends tonight?"

"I cant" I replied, not because I had anything to do, but because I was worried about meeting his friends.

"why cant you come?" he questioned

"Im busy" I replied

"(Y/N) I might have only just met you but I can tell thats a lie" he said and looked at you raising an eyebrow.

"Fine, I'll tell you but please dont judge me or bully me for it"

"I wont I would never bully you or judge you, no matter what" Chandler said looking at you confused.

"I have anxiety and because of it im constantly worrying about talking to people, im always worrying about everything i do just incase I come across as weird or different. I just dont want people to judge me. It probably doesnt seem like I have anxiety at the moment because I've been talking to you alot but thats just because im comfortable around you"

"Look its okay I know you can beat this anxiety and for now you dont have to hang out with my friends if you dont want to. We can just hang out together if you want." Chandler said to you smiling.

"Thank you Chandler, it means alot but I dont think I can ever overcome this anxiety, its like a curse that i cant break on my own" I said and looked down at the table.

Chandler took your hand in his and your eyes locked with his blue ones.
"(Y/N) you dont have to push past your anxiety on your own, Im here and together we can break your curse" Chandler said as the bell for the end of homeroom sounded.

That day I left homeroom feeling better than ever because not only had I made an amazing new friend but because I now finally had hope of overcoming my anxiety.


A/N: Sorry if this isnt that good, this is my first chandler imagine and i didnt really know what to write. I take requests so please dont be afraid to ask no matter what it is, i will write anything.


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