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He hated school. Not that it was so bad but he hated it. People might hate it because of lessons but that's why he loved it. People might love it because they get to hang out with friends, meet new people, but that's why he hated it.

He was no school jock, he was just a seventeen year old high school loner.

He had no friends except a guy in chemistry class that was so fat it should be illegal. He wouldn't classify Tommy Jakes his friend, just the only person that talks to him.

He'd tried to confirm something from someone once and was instead asked if he attended Blique high. He's been here since kindergarten but no one knew him. He hated school.
  He's always wished to be different. He's always wished that he'd come to school one day and everyone would wanna talk to him, all the girls would giggle when he passed, because they would find him attractive but those were all just wishes and they never come true...neither do dreams. If dreams came true, his parents won't be dead, his sister wouldn't be married at twenty three to a guy that makes her ignore him and he wouldn't be a school loner. But dreams are just that...dreams.
     As he sat absent mindedly in Econ class,he tried to figure out how long its gonna take till he gets home...he was so tired of this place.

   As Miss Rose Dylan, his econ teacher turns to scribble something on the board, a white sheet is thrown from behind him towards her and it hit her behind her head. She turned and picked it up.

'Who threw this'
Then she opened the squeezed paper and after she read it, her eyes went round with shocked and her cheeks turned red.

'Who wrote this?'

She asked through gritted teeth. He couldn't help but wonder what was written that got her so flustered up.

'I asked who wrote this!'

She screamed in anger. Man I'm so glad I'm not on the receiving end of her fury, he thought. He knew Miss Rose never got upset about anything.

She was a twenty nine year old teacher and in his opinion, she wasn't bad looking in her skin tight black skirt and tropical looking milk shirt with red plump heels.

What an understatement of the millennia, she was so freaking hot it should be illegal. He scolded himself. And he knew if he were to be interviewed, he'd confess that he had a crush on her when he was thirteen. But all that was in the past and besides she didn't know he existed.

'If you don't tell me who threw this sheet then you can all just forget about prom because I will make sure it's cancelled' she threatened.

Everyone gasped and began to murmur. Not because they didn't believe her but because they knew she could do it. After all, miss Rose was the principal's, Mr Cole Wright's girlfriend.

'Yes Bryan, are you the one who threw this sheet?' She asked Bryan Rowe, who was the captain of Blique highs soccer and football teams. And also the boyfriend to Ruby Gold, the head cheerleader. Yup, it was the typical high school popular attraction. Bryan was up standing behind him.

'No Miss Rose, absolutely not. I would never do that to you. I respect you too much, unlike other people' Bryan answered.

He knew for a fact that it was Bryan who threw that sheet but he was simply silent. Mostly because he didn't care if prom got cancelled or not. He wasn't planning to attend either way.

'If you didn't do it then why are you still talking?' Miss Rose said as she turned towards the door to go out. Obviously to go to the principal with the sheet clutched in a tight pale fist.

'Am still talking because I want to tell you who threw that Miss Rose' Bryan said, stopping her in her tracks. Slowly she turned to him with rage in her eyes.

'Who is it?' She asked.

He was concentrating on her so he didn't see what happened next, but he did see those brown eyes filled with rage drop to him. Then he heard,

' This guy...Peter, I think' Bryan said and Dorian knew he was referring to him. Scoffing, he turned around to face him,

'Seriously? I didn't do it, you did' Dorian said to him and turned back around then he saw her in front of his desk.

'So you're the one who wrote and threw this  sheet at me? She asked with her eyes narrowed into slits.

'No am not, I didn't write whatever's in there, miss Rose ' he defended.

' He's lying, he did it' Bryan said.
'Yes I saw him do as well ' someone said
'Me too'
'Me three'

And it went on and on. He could feel anger brew up in him but as he tried his best to ignore it, it soared higher.

' Why did you write this?' She asked him.

'I didn't write it, I don't even know what's written in there ' he said in defense to himself.

'What's your name again? Peter?' She asked him and somehow he saw faint traces of laughter in her eyes and he couldn't help but wonder what she found so funny.

'No its Dorian...Dorian Frost ' he corrected.

' Well then Dorian Frost, detention's on you ' she said and turned just as the bell sprang to life. As everyone headed out murmuring and laughing, he went to her.

' Miss Rose, you have to believe me, I didn't write or throw that ' he said.

' Leave and I'll see you at three, we - I mean, you have lots of ground to cover' she said in a dismissive tone.

Frustrated, he walked out of class. He wasn't upset about being detained. It was the fact that he was being detained for something he didn't do that irked him out. Did he say he hated just school...he hated his life and whole existence.

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