Chapter 4

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I do not own OUAT, any of it's cast or characters or plots. However, I am a faithful watcher and I am very interested to see how season 7 will go. This is just a prompt thing that I found online but then as I wrote it morphed into something entirely different! I figured I would try it out and see how it goes. I hope you enjoy because you all rather seemed to like the love potion one.

Helping Hand

3rd Person

Killian groans loudly, slamming the door of his car shut, frowning. "Great, just bloody brilliant!" He yells at no one.

Of course, on the one day he needs it to work, his bloody car decides to break down after it's recent MOT where the guy said it was perfect but he made some adjustments just in case.

He wishes he knew that guys name to drive to his house and kick his ass for five square miles.

Oh, wait, his car isn't working so he can't even drive there.

After sending a quick text to Emma, he rushes to the train station, waiting for nearly ten minutes for the poxy train to come, praying that it'll hurry up. He had a meeting soon, and if he didn't make it in time Emma would have to fill in for her.

Killian thinks she's more than capable of handling it, better than himself, in fact, he's a friend with everyone who'll be there and they're all nice people, but he doesn't want Emma to have any unnecessary stress on herself.

She's nearly four months and two weeks pregnant, which he has taken great pride in telling his friends now that they can, telling anyone who will listen, and this is the stage where her hormones will be out of focus, so he won't have more stress than usual placed upon her.

He'll just have to hurry his ass up, run if he has too.

Luckily for his lungs, heart, and legs, the train come before he can go on a full sprint. He's not unfit, he has a jog every morning, but the greasy, unhealthy lunches that have been happening since Emma got pregnant have meant he can't have a lunchtime jog either.

He'll take spending time with her over his jogs any day. Just to see her smile.

With a sigh, Killian steps onto the train, taking his seat opposite a couple who seem more engrossed in reading a baby book to their small baby in his carrier than anything going on around them, and Killian raises an eyebrow, hiding his smile. It's not often he sees something so sweet on the horror of public transport so it's safe to say he's a little surprised.

"And then, Johnny," The woman reads clearly like she does it a lot and knows exactly what to do and say. "The man said yes Miss and a cup of tea." She reads aloud before finishing, and Killian realizes he must have come at the end of the book.

"I don't think he likes that story." Her company says softly, chuckling, before kissing his wife's cheek. "Maybe try The Very Hungry Caterpillar?"

"Good idea!" She exclaims happily, rooting through her bag to find the book, and Killian watches with interest.

Killian is one of those strange people on trains who actually cares about others, taking an interest in what they're doing, listening in on their conversations, hearing how other people's lives are doing. He knows it's rather rude to eavesdrop, but he likes knowing when someone had a good day or sympathizing with someone who hasn't.

However, watching these two he's interested because he'll be them soon, he'll be reading baby books to a tiny little one who relies on him and loves him, except him and Emma won't be married, and he'd probably be the one reading while Emma chimes in with her comments.

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