Chapter 8

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I do not own OUAT, any of it's cast or characters or plots. However, I am a faithful watcher and I am very interested to see how season 7 will go. This is just a prompt thing that I found online but then as I wrote it morphed into something entirely different! Oh well...I think you'll like this chapter. And oh no my Grammarly is dying so excuse me if I've done a stupid mistake I will surely notice later even though I have proof red twenty times! :) I need that freaking app back! Also, let me know if I should write an add on to this story with a group of one-shots of pregnant Emma or even their friendship before or little Valentina. I was planning on writing a wedding one.

Helping Hand

3rd Person

Killian braces himself before he even steps foot in the door, knowing that with Emma's increasingly hard to handle hormones he'll be yelled at.

Emma's had more of a struggle then usual with her mood swings, pains, cravings and sometimes they all merge together, which is never good news. He's been yelled at more than once because he apparently chews too loud, he's too quiet when he sleeps, he didn't give her a foot massage, and apparently he got the wrong mouthwash.

But he accepts it all, because he knows that his Emma isn't usually like that. She's usually relatively calm and knows what she wants and doesn't kick up a fuss because she doesn't want to upset anyone. However, pregnant Emma is... mean.

Not horrible mean.

But over reactive, scary, sort of rude, really terrifying yet adorable mean. So she's...a very sweet little combination of scary in one Emma shaped baby oven. He hates that analogy and Emma would kill him for it, but she calls herself an oven for their 'bun' so he doesn't think it's that bad.

Although he's pretty sure that if he called her his oven to her face she'd both slap him and kill him twice over because she'd think he's calling her fat.

The worst part is the fact he ends up getting kicked a lot in his sleep, sometimes because he's too loud or too quiet or moves too much or 'breathes too loud' or once she was bored so they had late night ice cream at four am.

Ever since that first night where Emma had come into his bed because she couldn't sleep she always came. At first they had been a little hesitant, but in the end they had found it became a routine and much easier for him to help her get up, so they just continued.

It was killing him.

He's not sure Emma knows how much he wishes she were in his bed for a different reason, although he'd never tell her and never act on it. He's always a gentleman after all.

Emma didn't seem too bothered by how close they were, because they really were close in his bed. Although large, Emma had a habit of cuddling right into him and intertwining her legs with his so it's impossible to not touch. She also had a habit of wearing the most see through, tightest, and shortest nightdresses he's ever seen.

That morning she had gotten out of bed with his help, her nightdress having ridden up a little to show off more of her thighs, and he'd had to take a cold shower just to remain gentlemanly. It didn't help that when he came out and got dressed she was in another dress that was rather low cut, since no jeans fit around her bump and she found leggings showed off her non-existent rolls.

The only thing that helped him to survive that morning was the fact she'd yelled at him to go get her chocolate ice cream for breakfast, breaking down since apparently there was nothing edible in their home despite the fact they went shopping the night before and she'd picked out most of the food.

So, as he does most days, he headed to the store and grabbed the chocolate ice cream he saw first, buying it before heading home.

However, as he walks in the door he knows he's in for it. Seeing as, Emma never specified what type of ice cream she wanted and therefore he forgot. She asked for a certain brand usually and somehow his sleep needing brain decided that he wouldn't get that brand but an entirely different.

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